Why can’t I lose weight?

Your body is a work in progress. And so is your health. It is essential that we have the right information to guide us properly in order to embrace a wellness lifestyle. Here are several real-life situations you might identify with.

Why is it so easy for others to lose weight when many of us can’t?

While health experts will tell you that this depends on your body type, ultimately, the secret lies in the lifestyle that will suit your goal.


If you want to lose fat, then adhere to the Mediterranean diet. Followers of this diet swear by their health gains, lower body mass index (the measure of the proportion of weight to height) and small waistline.


The Mediterranean diet consists of fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, lean meats, whole grains, olive oil, plus mono- and polyunsaturated fats.


The benefits: reduction of LDL ( “bad” cholesterol), and a balanced blood sugar level. There is evidence that it also promotes metabolic health and eventually prevents obesity. The good news is that it could lead to longevity.


But the best complement to any diet is exercise. Whatever you decide to do, work out regularly. Brisk walking is a good start—even walking your dog.


Redesign your regimen


In my early 30s, my body was lean and toned. Now, at age 50, I notice that I have to exert more effort and time in the gym to fight the flab. Any tips?


Unfortunately, with age, gravity sets in. If you haven’t been consistent with your exercise routine, then your body cannot look 30 years old in its 50s. You need to recommit to your exercise program. Ask a fitness instructor to redesign your regimen. To build muscle and get lean and toned, you need to do weight training. Like it or not, it’s the only way to sculpt your body. Yoga and Pilates can also complete your overall training.


A study by the McMaster University in Canada has concluded that higher intake of protein can prevent strength and muscle loss in age-related cases. Apparently, the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of 0.8 g of protein per kg of body weight seems too low.


I’m in my 60s and I’m not on any maintenance medicines. Lately, however, I noticed that my usual 120/70 blood pressure  has increased to 130/80. Should I worry?


There are many reasons why your blood pressure could rise slowly without you noticing it. One reason is stress. Have you been overworked lately? Are you getting enough sleep? Are your hormones in order?  These factors affect your BP, says Dr. Chris Enriquez, a cardiologist and antiaging expert at Rapha Health. Unhealthy lifestyle practices like bingeing on food and alcohol can also lead to health problems.


The important part of health management is prevention. It’s a good thing that you are aware of your situation. Consult your doctor immediately.


If you like cherries, this is welcome news. Just two ounces of cherry juice can reduce systolic blood pressure by 7 mmHg within three hours. Chemicals found in cherries, such as flavonoids and anthocyanins, improve cell health and prevent internal inflammation.


The berry kingdom is a veritable harvest of anthocyanins like açai, rating highest in its potency to neutralize oxidative damage caused by free radicals.


How can I regain my body strength? After a bout with the flu, I feel weak.


Let food be your medicine. Consider foods high in nitrates, which can increase the production of nitric oxide within your cell lining. Also, nitric oxide in the blood vessels (endothelium) promotes blood flow which is essential for general well-being and good health.


Some foods rich in nitric oxide: dark chocolates, beets, oranges, walnuts, brown rice, spinach, watermelon, pomegranates, garlic, cranberries, black tea, honey, salmon, cayenne pepper, peanut butter, shrimp.


Add vitamin C, omega 3 and co-enzyme Q10 supplements, and you are good to get on with your normal life.


This week’s affirmation: “Perfection is my birthright.”

Love and light!


E-mail the author at coryquirino1@yahoo.com