Yes, the luxury designer “It” bag is back with a vengeance. It has no logos or branding. It comes minuscule or super-sized in dizzying mixes of prints, metal grommets, studs and zippers.
It’s arm candy that will give you personal satisfaction, yet it doesn’t scream how much you paid for it.
We see a full menu of bags today; consider the many guises of the handbag, the shoulder bag, the mini satchels, tiny ones that can hold only your lipstick, credit card and cell phone.
There are still classic shapes but rendered in faux croc or python. Many call these brand-new versions intelligent, even witty in design and craftsmanship.
For the summer of 2017, here’s a tasty array of mouthwatering bags to have and to hold. Yes, there is even a new way of carrying them. —CONTRIBUTED