Faces of Lent

Images of Mother Mary
La Esperanza, Our Lady of Hope

The journey from the extremity of suffering to final transcendence is deeply etched in the faces of Jesus and his mother Mary, as reimagined by contemporary artisans who have kept alive the art of religious iconography.

The expressions on the faces of these modern santo are surprisingly vivid, bordering on the creepy, when seen in the right light.

With their sumptuous gowns of embroidered velvet and the adornments of silver and gold, these objects of adoration or contemplation exude a palpable presence, which can be soothing or unnerving, depending on one’s frame of mind.

These are just some of the images taken from a Radyo Veritas Lenten Exhibit that ran last month at the Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary chapel at Lucky Chinatown, to set the mood for the Holy Week.

Filipino-Chinese reimagining of the Madonna and Child
Mater Dolorosa
Tears of the Virgin