Setting the ‘Stages’

Bullet Dumas, Coeli, Keiko Necesario, Gio Levy and Curtismith
Bullet Dumas, Coeli, Keiko Necesario, Gio Levy and Curtismith

“With the rise and popularity of so many amazing OPM (original Pinoy music) artists, I think this is our opportunity as emerging artists to write, record, release and perform the very best we have and ride this unstoppable wave,” singer-songwriter Gio Levy told Super.

Levy, one of several musicians tagged as the brightest acts in the local indie scene along with Coeli, Curtismith, Keiko Necesario, Bullet Dumas and The Apartel, completes the lineup of the last show of the Stages Sessions Gig Circuit at 19 East in Muntinlupa City tonight, May 7.

Stages Sessions, a creative movement that tapped into the music industry radar with their intimate cafe gigs, breaks new ground by producing a seven-show tour that has been ongoing since March.

Meet some of the artists of the Gig Circuit tour:

Gio Levy

How was your first gig?

I moved from Vancouver, Canada back in April 2015. The pay, the audience, the environment, the sound systems—everything felt very new when I first started here. I struggled in Manila for most gigs as people requested a lot of songs, usually written in napkins. If you played Bon Jovi, they expected you to know songs by Ed Sheeran, James Ingram, Up Dharma Down and South Border. Having not grown up here, it was an exciting challenge learning all these new songs.

What are your favorite songs to play live?

I really dig “Struck Out” and “Let Her Know” out of my whole setlist. “Struck Out” is about that one lover you took for granted while “Let Her Know” is like a to-do list of how I feel you should treat your partner.

Any new releases?

I’ll be releasing a single called “T.G.K.U.” very soon. I’m also working an album to be released in the next few months.


How was your first gig?

My first gig was at Black Market and all my friends came out for me. It was a lot of nerves and my eyes were closed a lot of the time to make sure I didn’t get phased or mess up. I remember after that first gig, less and less people would come and I would have to say yes to every single gig I was offered just to find that one person who actually connected with my music.

What are your favorite songs to play live?

They have all different vibes so I just vibe with the crowd. I feed off their energy. I enjoy doing my unreleased stuff and acapellas a lot though.

Keiko Necesario

How was your first gig?

The first gig I’ve ever done was at Conspiracy bar. I was with my Philpop family and it was the most fun yet nerve-racking experience. I had to get out the box I was in and brave the struggles to get to where I wanna be.

What are your favorite songs to play live?

My most favorite right now is my song called “Highway,” it’s one of the songs from my upcoming EP. I also like playing my song “Through It All” cause it feels raw every time I’m performing it. It is a song so dear to my heart. It speaks about unconditional love and I wrote it at a time when I was vulnerable and was learning about love at the same time.

Any new releases?

I am about to release my second album next month and I cannot wait to share my new sound, “electro folk” as I call it, to people.


How was your first gig?

My first gig with my cello was back in April 2015 at Luna Café. Although singing while playing the cello was just an experiment for me, that gig assured me that I’m at the right track. I decided to keep on going.

What are your favorite songs to play live?

I love performing “Nabibighani” and “Puno.” “Nabibighani” talks about how you see your love from the first day you met, and it remains the same until today. While “Puno” is a personal lullaby of mine. I put my cello down and grab the guitar on this song. It’s a song I sing to myself whenever I get anxious. It’s a reminder to take a step back whenever life gets overwhelming.

Any new releases?

I’m hoping to start recording my first album this June.