Everyone has healing energy

Is there a universal healing energy found in nature that can be tapped by anybody to cure diseases?

I have been wondering about this question for a long time. What did ancient or so-called primitive people use to cure diseases before the advent of modern medical science? We can think of such natural remedies found in plants, trees and small animals that they have discovered and used effectively.

Aside from these, is there an invisible natural force or power present in nature which has therapeutic value?

The search for such healing energy has been going on since ancient times, and many cultures have actually discovered and used it even if they didn’t know how or why it works.

Among the names given to such mysterious healing force or energy are orgone, magnetic force, odic force, prana, subtle energy, chi, ki and more.

Franz Friedrich Anton Mesmer, in 18th-century France, thought that a magnetic force emanated from the human hands which, when passed over the body of a sick person, could bring healing.


He developed a healing method called mesmerism, the forerunner of hypnotism. A committee led by Benjamin Franklin was formed to investigate the claims of Mesmer, and found no evidence for the existence of magnetic healing energy. And so Mesmer’s method died a natural death.

Numerous anecdotal evidence can be found in support of the existence of such subtle energy in human beings. Everybody has this healing energy.

But it differs from person to person. Some have it more strongly than others, even if they are not aware of it.

I remember the story told by a well-known cardiologist now deceased. Once he was talking to a female patient who had goiter.
Just for fun, he told her he could melt her goiter by just touching it. She agreed to let him do it. After lightly putting his hand on her throat for a few minutes, the goiter suddenly shrank to half its size. Both the doctor and patient were shocked.

Instinctive reaction

When I met him years later, the doctor asked me if I had an explanation for it. That was the first time it happened in his practice of medicine.

I explained to him that all human beings possess healing energy which is called by many names in different cultures. Some have more of it than others, though. That’s why such people can heal by mere touch.

We have an instinctive reaction to put our hand on part of our body when hurt or traumatized. And we can feel the pain subside when we cover it with our hand.

I do not consider myself a healer, but I have, on several occasions, experienced healing some individuals by merely placing my hands very lightly on the area that’s painful.

Healing hand

In the late ’70s, I healed the painful swollen gum of a well-known TV comedian by placing my right hand on her cheek without even actually touching it. I felt my energy beings sucked from my palm. After a few minutes, the pain disappeared and her swollen gum returned to normal.

The same thing happened to a Frenchwoman who had a bad toothache. While we were traveling in southern France, she developed the toothache. I placed my palm near her cheek and the pain disappeared, to our great surprise. This French woman was the wife of a German atomic energy scientist who witnessed this incident.

In 1982, I taught parapsychology as an elective course at De La Salle University for one semester. Our last day of class was held at a beach house in Cavite owned by one of my students.

While I was giving a lecture to the class of about 30 students, one of my students, Alex, came rushing to us from the beach, shouting that he had been bitten by jellyfish and it was very painful.

He begged me to heal him, but healing was not part of the lesson I taught in parapsychology. So I had to do quick thinking to save me from embarrassment.

Alex pulled up his T-shirt, showing his whole chest red and swollen by the jellyfish bite. He was crying from pain. I asked the students to stand around Alex and pass their hands over him as many times as possible. After only a minute, Alex stopped crying and said the pain was gone.

When he pulled up his t-shirt again, his chest had no more red and swollen marks. I heaved a sigh of relief!

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