A romper for men: The latest fashion revolution?

RompHim, romper
Image: Website/Kickstarter

The romper, a one-piece shirt and shorts combo that’s become a fashion hit among women, will soon be available as menswear.

ACED Design, a group of “business school friends” from Chicago decided to adapt the jumpsuit for men through the site Kickstarter, dubbing their version the RompHim. They promise that “once you put it on, you won’t wanna take this thing off.”

The RompHim has been specially designed for the comfort and needs of men in mind. It has a front pocket, “adjustable waist tabs” for a better fit, and “deep front pockets.”

A main concern—and one that women also face—is how they would go to the toilet. Would they need to fully undress just to pee? Not to worry, as a zipper fly was included for that purpose.

Image: Website/Kickstarter

The group of men conceptualized the romper over beers, where they found that menswear was limited. They wanted something that would be “stylish and fun without also sacrificing comfort, fit, and versatility.”

They thought that the romper was the answer to this need, but saw the lack of one that was ready-to-wear for men. The business school classmates consulted with a Chicago fashion design agency, going through several prototypes and product tests, until the final product was made.

The RompHim™ can even be gymwear.
Image: Website/Kickstarter
The company promotes their romper as men’s next summer outfit.
Image: Website/Kickstarter

The $10,000 budget for production has been surpassed ahead of schedule. As of this writing, nearly $39,000 has been pledged to the project.

See the Kickstarter project through its official video, “The RompHim: Your new favorite summer outfit.” JB


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