‘Help me get my passion back!’

Here are answers to some of your everyday situations, in the hope that they will help turn your situation for the better.

I am a female bank executive. My appetite, at age 50, is unstoppable. Why am I eating too much?

What you are experiencing is one of the unavoidable signs of menopause. When your estrogen and progesterone levels decline, blood sugar rises. The result: hunger and fatigue.

The craving for junk food increases. There is a natural tendency to exercise less. To have the “munchies” is a natural menopausal situation. Cravings can become irresistible due to major hormonal changes.

Furthermore, depression and anxiety can compel you to binge on sugar, or just about any, or all of your favorite foods. Whenever you are feeling overwhelmed, try to do the following:

Calm down. Close your eyes and meditate briefly. Better yet, take a nap.

Keep busy. When your mind is focused on a task, you can overcome your stresses by staying distracted.

Hydrate. Thirst signals can be mistaken for hunger pangs. Before you grab that big bag of potato chips, drink two glasses of water first. Then wait 15 minutes before you decide if you are hungry.

Consult an endocrinologist immediately. He can put you on a safe plant-based hormone treatment called BHRT or Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy.

I am a 60-year-old grandfather. Is there a natural way to improve my sex drive as well as my memory?

You are already in the andropausal stage. While it is best to discuss your situation with your doctor, it might help to know that there are natural treatments available. According to Eric Braverman, MD, author of “Younger, Sexier You,” there is an important brain chemical called acetylcholine, which is a major neurotransmitter in the autonomic nervous system responsible for nerve to skeletal muscle connections, governing memory and motor functions.

While there is no blood test to determine low levels of acetylcholine, there are signs:

Brain fog: poor short-term memory
Fatigue or exhaustion
Dry eyes
Fast heart rate or tachycardia
Low blood pressure

Enlarged pupils

A natural way to increase this vital neurotransmitter is to take more choline-rich foods to boost sexual appetites.

Eggs, preferably organic

Beef liver from grass-fed cows

Chicken breast, minus the skin


Wheat germ




Fish oil (omega-3)

Peanut butter


Take supplements like:

Acetyl L-carnitine—for better erections, better memory and cleansing the liver

DMAE (Dimethylaminoethanol) to boost sex drive
GPC or Glycerophosphoryl-Choline, for mood improvement through increased dopamine levels

Phosphatidyl serine— mood enhancer, stimulates acetylcholine levels

Piracetam, a derivative of
GABA, which reverses memory loss

While there are no prescriptions needed for these supplements, it is wise to consult your doctor, especially if you have a health condition requiring prescribed medication.

Help me get back my
passion the natural way. I
am 65 and nothing seems to excite me.

Apart from getting your hormones back on track, there are certain foods that can boost your passion levels.

Apples. There is a natural nutrient called PEA (phenylethylamine) in apples that contributes to a feeling of well-being.

Avocado. This is perfect for the brain, to help you focus and improve your alertness. Contains vitamin B12, which helps increase testosterone. This boosts the thyroid gland.

Chocolate. The darker the chocolate, the higher the PEA

Cheese, which has even more PEA than chocolate.

Nuts, which have essential fatty acids and PEA.

Good fats from oily fish like mackerel, salmon, trout and sardines improve blood circulation.

Increase your lecithin levels in order to synthesize choline. Increase consumption of these foods: egg yolks, cauliflower, liver, milk, peanuts, soybeans and wheat germ.

This week’s affirmation: “I am healthy and sexy.”

Love and light!