Being healthy is a choice

It’s time to reveal my everyday habits and explain to wellness followers who ask me the same question: “What are you doing to keep well?”

I often ponder this simple question because there is no simple answer. So, I am letting you into my life.

For me, the ultimate objective has always been optimum health. Once achieved, natural beauty follows, as well as a long and energetic life.

We have goals in order to keep the spirit moving toward an inspiration. Having no dream is a situation that should be avoided by all of us, at all cost. It means that there is a lack of activity or progress.

Even in medical terms it could sound more forbidding—a slowdown or stoppage in the flow of blood or other body fluid like the lymph.

Translation: To be motionless is a state of being
not agreeable to one’s well-being. (Except in extreme cases of stress, where one needs to be still in order to achieve tranquility.)

My intention leads to an ideal situation. Thus, to be progressive requires a state of motion or activity.

If one were to ascribe a motto to this, it would be: “Keep going so you can get there.”

Success is born in one’s mind. And so is failure.
Conquer the mind, and you can slay anything negative in your way.

Every morning, begin with something positive. The mind wanders and it needs disciplining. Manage your thoughts and steer them toward all things hopeful, uplifting and life-affirming.

You cannot imagine how I battle with my own self daily. Setting my priorities is like a veritable tug-of-war. And it varies.

For example: Will I hit the gym for an hour’s workout, or take a brisk, early-morning walk? The reason is that I prefer fresh air to air-conditioning.

Or, do I juice raw food or add a bowl of fruits? Even in the gym, there is a choice to be made—free weights or body weight for the resistance training?

What I find more fulfilling is to use one’s body weight, i.e. floor push-ups or abdominal leg lifts and crunches.

Trust yourself

The good thing is, we all have choices. And more often than not, if you follow your instincts, you will always arrive at the best choice.

The guiding principle is learn to trust yourself.

The discipline: Eat something raw, uncooked and fresh three to five times daily.

There are rules, but they are not applicable to everyone. Start with a vegetable juice made from a reliable juicer. If you don’t have one, it is time to invest in a good one.

Fitness enthusiasts understand what I am saying. There is an almost instant “cleansing lift” one experiences after drinking an 8-oz glass of freshly juiced romaine lettuce, kale, carrots, turnips, green apple, etc.

One hour after juicing, eat a bowl of fruits (preferably not the high-sugar type like mango and banana). If bananas are your favorite fruit, choose the saba variety.

Exercise is a must. Whatever your excuse is for not exercising (unless you are indisposed or have a disability) is not valid. Move that body in order to achieve strength and flexibility. Vary your exercises among cardio strength training, core-strength, vascular, and flexibility.

Beginning today, apart from fresh juicing, water should be at the top of your list. There is nothing like drinking water to keep you hydrated. Your skin will begin to have extra luster. Plus, you will never have a problem with constipation.

Sleep by 10 p.m. if you can. If not, try to sleep before midnight. Avoid sleeping in the early morning hours. Your body clock wasn’t designed for the off-hours. A good night’s sleep is the best way to wake up looking good in the mornings.

For a healthier heart and brain, eat less red meat. Replace it with fish. Cardiologists recommend more vegetables and fish, less carbohydrates and sweets daily. Omega-3 found in oily fish, walnuts and flaxseed are excellent for heart and brain health.

One’s heart must take a stand—either for love or anger. A loving heart knows the meaning of forgiveness, understanding and tolerance.

Those who opt to live their lives on anger mode will age faster and get sick more often. There is something to be said about the effects of adopting a loving stance—it can heal people and situations, beginning with yourself.

With attitude comes self-esteem. Respecting one’s self leads to a healthy self-image. Your every action and word emanate from your aura—one that is centered and peaceful.

This week’s affirmation: “I radiate goodness.”

Love and light!