What happens during a past-life regression

The following questions were recently asked by a reader:

“What is past life hypnotic regression? What happens during a regression? Where does the information one gets from regression come from? Do I have to believe in past lives or reincarnation to have a successful regression? How many past lives will I see during such a process? Will I remember what I have seen when I wake up?”

Past life hypnotic regression is the process of guiding a person to remember his or her previous lives under a light trance. In the hands of an experienced and ethical hypnotherapist, regression is a very safe procedure.

During past life regression, the person is still conscious and may answer verbal questions asked of him or her. The person’s mind is not under the control of the therapist. He or she may accept or reject anything suggested by the therapist.

The person is aware of what is happening around him or her but another part of consciousness may travel to other places in the past.

The information one sees during regression comes from his or her subconscious mind, which the person may not be aware of in a fully awake state. During a light trance, or what is technically called the alpha level of one’s brain waves, one gains access to the secrets of the subconscious mind.

The soul never forgets

Our subconscious mind is the repository of all knowledge we have accumulated throughout our many lives in the past on planet earth and possibly even in other universes or realms beyond our planet. We seldom meet a person by accident, because the soul never forgets.

One does not have to believe in reincarnation or past lives for a regression to succeed, as long as one does not mentally oppose or question what one sees during the process.

Once the person starts to question or analyze what he or she is remembering at the moment, the information stops. This has something to do with the workings of the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

The whole process lasts for one to two hours, or sometimes even more than that, depending on the individual case. Usually, one session is enough to get something meaningful from the past, which will help explain what’s happening in one’s present life.

At other times, a se-cond or third session may benecessary.

Majority of people who undergo past life hypnotic regression see or remember at least one lifetime. But there have been clients who remember as many as four different lifetimes, sometimes as a female and other times as a male, in order to learn the lesson they ignored in the past or fulfill an obligation that was previously promised.

Subconscious mind

What one remembers of the past depends on the person’s subconscious mind. I cannot anticipate or know what he or she may see or experience. Sometimes a person remembers nothing clear but has only flashes of memory.

But the great majority of people who come for regression see something meaningful. After the regression I discuss with the client what he or she experienced and I help them analyze it. Sometimes the images are disjointed like a jigsaw puzzle and therefore have to be analyzed to see their meaning or relevance in their present lives.

Some of the reasons people come for regression are: the client met a person, usual ly of the opposite sex, to whom he or she is irresistibly attracted or cannot get away from, no matter what.

Or a person may wonder why he or she hates another person so much. Or the person may have phobias that cannot be traced to the present life.

A couple recently came to me for regression to see if the wife’s inability to get pregnant is due to some past life experience. They had had themselves thoroughly examined but could find no medical cause for the problem. Both were found to be normal and healthy.

I advised against their undergoing regression because they were very anxious and I was afraid it may not succeed. I told them to come back when they were both more emotionally stable and ready to be regressed.

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