To be You contributing artists create Harry Potter fan art

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Logo by Raine Sarmiento

In celebration of Harry Potter’s 20th year, To be You tapped its contributing artists to illustrate everybody’s favorite wizard and his friends. As fans themselves, the artists had a field day working on this assignment, some even choosing to draw their favorite character from J.R. Rowling’s fantasy tale that has spawned seven best-selling books and box-office movies.

Animé Harry

“If I had to choose a character to illustrate, it would have to be Sirius Black,” says new contributing artist Borg Sinaban. “He’s a total badass. He’s very mysterious, a bit reckless and has a rebellious streak. But I ultimately find him endearing, especially when he shows how much he cares for Harry, until the bitter end.”

Meanwhile, Koi Carreon came up with an animé version of Harry Potter in his quidditch uniform. And Rian Gonzales employed her unique and colorful style to create Hermione and Professor McGonagall transformed into a cat.

Here are the works of the artists:

“Sirius Black,” by Borg Sinaban
“Animé Harry,” by Koi Carreon


“Preppy Harry Potter” by Don Mikel Fumar


“Slugs,” by Marx Reinhart Fidel


“Hermione,” by Rian Gonzales


Professor McGonagall transformed into a cat by Rian Gonzales