How to perform mental healing

In previous columns, I discussed four types or methods of natural healing, namely: mental or psychic, magnetic or pranic, spiritual and divine healing.

In today’s column, I will focus on mental or psychic healing and how to do it.

Mental or psychic healing may be defined as the process of healing one’s self or another person by tapping the mind. This type of healing is not affected by distance. It may be done for somebody near or miles away.

There’s not much literature that can be found regarding mental healing, unlike those of pranic, spiritual and divine healing. It’s probably because thoughts are intangible and cannot be seen. Nevertheless, mental healing can be as effective as the other forms.

Mental or psychic healing works because the human mind is a powerful source of energy. In fact, everything begins with the mind. There is nothing man-made or natural that did not begin with the mind or with an idea.

As American psychic and prophet Edgar Cayce used to say, “The mind is the builder, the physical is the result.”

Clear intention

In order to perform effective mental healing on another person, you must have a clear intention of healing that person. You must focus on this intention.

It has been proven by scientist William Tiller of Stanford University, after numerous controlled experiments, that intention can affect a physical object or one’s physical environment. This is in conformity with British biologist Rupert Sheldrake’s Morphogenetic Field Theory or Morphic Resonance.

Once your intention to heal a person is firmly fixed in your mind, direct your healing energy or thought to the person you want to heal and the part or organ affected, if known.

Visualize the condition to normalize or to return to its normal state. If you sense a dark spot in any part of the patient’s body, imagine erasing the dark spot or the dark color returning to its natural color.

One of the most dramatic spontaneous mental healing I had done was the case of a female assistant of mine in a large shoe manufacturing company I used to work with. She complained of severe stomach pain. Although she had gone to the company doctor and was given proper medication, the pain did not disappear.

So she asked permission to go home. But since I had to submit a report to the general manager which she alone could do, I told her I couldn’t let her go home.

Suddenly, I thought of doing healing on her, although I did not know how. I asked her to come to my room, together with my secretary, so there would be a witness to whatever happens.

I asked her to sit on the chair in front of my desk and I sat on the other chair in front of her. I told her to close her eyes and to remain silent. My secretary was watching carefully all along.

As I closed my eyes, I almost immediately saw the upper part of her stomach to have a blue color\ but the lower part was black. I instinctively knew that the problem was on her lower stomach.

I concentrated on that black spot and imagined it to be turning to blue. To my surprise, the black color began to change to blue, the same color as in the upper stomach. When both parts were of the same color, I asked her to open her eyes.

I noticed her to be a bit dazed, as if she had just come out from deep sleep. After a few seconds, I asked her how she felt and she said the pain was gone.

“Are you sure?” I asked. She replied, “Yes, the pain is gone!”

When she asked how I did it, I said, “I don’t know. I just did what came naturally
to me.”

I have done distant healing on some cases of headaches and bodily pains, sometimes even over the phone.

Yet I do not consider myself a healer. I don’t practice it except upon request by close friends. I think there’s truth to the saying that, “We are all healers.”

Anybody can do this, given the right intention, the right attitude and the ability to visualize a diseased part to be normalizing. I cannot guarantee results, but why don’t you try the above technique? The results may surprise you.

Attend the Soulmates, Karma & Reincarnation Seminar
on July 22, from 1 to 7 p.m., Rm. 308 Prince Plaza 1 Condominium, Legazpi St., Legazpi Village, Makati City. Call 8107245 or 09989886292.
