Mommy blogs of kids: When is it too much?

People were talking last week about a certain mommy blogger’s lengthy online rant, after somebody raised a question that has actually been on many people’s minds: Are mommy bloggers “exploiting and extorting” their kids? Or “overstyling” them?

The kids get dressed, photographed and paid to wear/use/endorse certain brands, and one wonders what happens when the kid just wants to get mud all over his (branded) pants.

As the enraged mommy blogger rightly pointed out, nobody is in a position to judge how much a mother loves and cares for her children, and how their welfare is paramount in her mind. Accusing a mother of exploitation is touchy ground, especially when the mothers in question don’t really need the extra income, and just enjoy seeing their little ones in the spotlight.

Still, the fact is, somebody called them out, as is expected when one is out there and exposed on social media. Such criticism can simply be ignored—or could also serve as reminder to moms who tend to go overboard in social media. Let your kids be kids, too.