When you feel somebody’s watching–even when you’re alone

A close female friend texted me the following intriguing questions, which have also been asked by other people:

1) “Please explain that eerie feeling when you’re alone in a room but feel you are not, as though someone is watching you.”

2) “What does it mean when the little hairs on your arms and back stand when you walk into an old house?”

3) “Sometimes, I hear faint and distant voices calling my name. But I am sane and of sound mind.”

4) “Why does the feeling of ‘déjà vu’ make you believe that you have crossed a time barrier?”

Here are my replies:

1) Sensitive people often experience someone is watching them although alone in the room because it is true—someone could be watching you. The place may be haunted or may have invisible visitors.

But the feeling of being watched, though alone in a room, may also mean that someone with whom you are close to may be thinking of you or visualizing you from a distance.

2) Old houses are usually inhabited by earthbound spirits or elementals, and if you are sensitive, you will feel them when they come near you. Most earthbound spirits are harmless and you should not be afraid of them. They usually do not mean you any harm. But even new houses may have spirits in them.

3) Small faint voices calling your name are usually the work of nature spirits or elementals like dwarves, or fairies. They are not usually malevolent. But they can be mischievous and playful. They will sometimes take your personal things like keys, ball pens, and place them elsewhere. When this happens, just ask them to return your things.
Déjà vu
4) Your last question requires some lengthy explanation. The term “déjà vu” comes from the French words meaning “already seen.”

Déjà vu is the eerie feeling that something you are experiencing or witnessing at the moment, you seem to have already experienced or witnessed. It is possible, for instance, to be in a place you’ve never been before, but the place seems so familiar that you can tell what you are going to see next as you walk over to that place. Or, it may be a scene that you feel must have happened before, and you are merely seeing the event repeated before your very eyes.

There are three possible reasons why a déjà vu experience happens. First, you may have had a spontaneous precognitive vision of a future event, but you forgot it because it didn’t mean anything to you. But when what you saw in the future actually happens, you recall it in your mind because it was registered in your nervous system.

Second, a déjà vu experience may happen because you have dreamt of a future event but had forgotten it when you woke up. When that same incident happens in a real waking state, you remember it because again it was registered in your nervous system.

The third possible reason for a déjà vu experience could be reincarnational, or a case of past-life recall. It is possible that the event or place looks familiar to you because you actually were in that place or lived that event in a past life. And when you went to the same place in this lifetime, the memory of it comes back to you because the soul never forgets. The event is registered in your soul memory bank or your subconscious mind.

I hope my answers satisfy your questions.

E-mail jaimetlicauco@yahoo.com; visit www.innermindlearning.com.