The “Kids Try” web series is very popular in the Philippines.
HiHo has been putting out videos almost every day. While the folks at Cut have been filming tons of new content featuring unboxings, toys and cuddly animals for their kids-oriented YouTube channel HiHo, the “Kids Try” videos still garner the most hits.
“Remember someone sent us snacks from a different country one time? Someone sent snacks again,” Marina Taylor told Desmond in the recent “Kids Try Snacks from the Philippines” video.
That “someone” happens to be Super.
We loved it whenever the kids got a taste of our local cuisine, and were extremely delighted when they liked household favorites adobo and lumpia. So, Super thought, why not send them our favorite local snacks?
We sent a lot of junk food over, but a lot of these snacks did find their way in our lunch boxes as kids. There’s also no shame in admitting we still enjoy eating them as adults.
Our package contained the following: Iced Gem biscuits, chocolate wafers, cheesecake cupcakes, peanut-flavored chocolate bars, strawberry gummies, milk candies and a tub of Stick-O.
The first snack featured on the video were the cheesecake cupcakes. “It looks like a Twinkie but it doesn’t have the cream filling,” Austin commented.
Then the candies were next. “Oh my gosh,” Justin said as he popped the Potchi inside his mouth. His sister, GG, was confused with his reaction and asked: “Oh your gosh, what?”
Potchi was undeniably a big hit among the kids, although Crystal was disappointed that it wasn’t sour. We’ll be sure to send you Yakee! next time, it’s the sourest local bubblegum we know.
Our package also included a bunch of sweet chips like Tomy, Cheese Rings and Moby.
Austin called Moby, our favorite chocolate-flavored puffed corn snack, chocolate Cheetos. He liked it so much that he tried to fit as much Moby pieces in his mouth in one go, while Desmond finished a whole bowl of it.
Since we wanted to see some cute reactions, we put in snacks with unusual flavors—prawn crackers, salt and vinegar chips, and even the famous pasalubong request Boy Bawang.
Desmond had a love-hate relationship with Cracklings. The moment it landed on his mouth, he whimpered and said it was too salty. A few bites into it, he decided he loved the tarty and spicy ribbed crackers.
It’s too bad the video didn’t show if the kids liked all the other contents of our package—we’re just so curious!
They also didn’t get to cooking and tasting our go-to instant noodles, Pancit Canton—perhaps in another video (with Ernie and Clara, please)?