Makes perfect scents: A journey to Japan through aromas

All travelers know that some of the best travel memories lie in the little facets of cultural adventures experienced abroad. Whether it’s going on an insane mountain hike or trying out a foreign cuisine — memories like these are stored and cherished in the minds and hearts of every wanderer. And these memories can be revisited with the help of our senses.

Oftentimes, what we see, feel, touch, taste and smell can trigger certain memories to resurface. For travelers, it would be hard to refuse the walk down memory lane to relive all the amazing travel moments kept vivid in their minds.

Take for instance the things that bombard the senses of a person traveling in Japan–all the sights, sounds, scents, and flavours that make for an interesting travel experience. Those who have highly enjoyed their experience in the land of the rising sun will definitely want to remember every aspect of their trip. This is where our sense of smell becomes a tool.

Studies show that among the different senses, the sense of smell is the only medium that directly connects to the areas of the brain that triggers emotion and memory. And because of this unique olfactory feature, memories are prompted more easily.  

Here are some of its unique scents that represent the identity of Japanese culture and lifestyle. If you’ve toured Japan–it’s definitely going to bring back memories of your trip. If you long to tour Japan, here’s a bit of what to look forward to. A whiff of these smells will surely make you say kore wa subarashii desu (this is wonderful)!

The aroma of Miso soup

You know you’re in an authentic Japanese restaurant when you get a whiff of the distinct aroma of the Dashi paste in your Miso soup. Because of its strong yet alluring scent, you’ll definitely feel like you’re in Japan savoring every last bit of the soup!

The smoky odor of incense

Most Japanese temples feature certain areas in which locals and tourists alike can light incense sticks. This sharp, smoky fragrance opens us all to the rich traditions still practiced by the Japanese today.

The sweet scent of Sakura and the fresh fragrance of Green Tea

Every visit to Japan would not be complete without the sweet scent of the Sakura or Cherry Blossom trees billowing in the breeze and the fresh fragrance of freshly-made Green Tea in the morning.

Luckily, both the latter scents can now be incorporated into your very home, as Sawaday introduces their new liquid fragrances, Sakura and Green Tea.

As the first of its kind, both the Sawaday Sakura and the Green Tea liquid fragrances will make any room in your house feel and smell like Japan. And diffusing these scents is surprisingly simple and easy. All you have to do is to peel off the plastic lining, twist the inner cap, dip the cloth into the liquid fragrance and then place the cover back on so the scents of Japan can begin permeating inside your home. To get a more concentrated scent going, place these liquid fragrances at an area with elevation and strong airflow.

Because of the Sawaday liquid fragrances’ mild yet alluring scents, you’ll never have to worry about the pungent or overpowering odor sometimes found in liquid fragrances. Plus, both these variants can last for up to two months — which means you’ll not only keep your homes smelling clean and fresh daily, but also live up to your strong fascination of anything and everything Japan.


The Sawaday Sakura and Green Tea liquid fragrances are now available in Robinsons, SM, Shopwise and Mercury Drug (subject to store availability). Visit Sawaday PH  for more details.