Shooting with a Lomo’Instant Automat

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The Lomo’Instant Automat boasts a lightweight, compact and old-school design.

While the digital world may have given us faster, more compact and multifunctional devices, a good old-fashioned instant camera is still a favorite tool of beginners and pros alike. So don’t expect lomography—that is, taking pictures with a spontaneous “don’t think, just shoot” approach—to be fading away anytime soon.

The Lomo’Instant Automat is a camera that caters to all ages and photography skills. Users delight in its lightweight and basic form, a break from the usual bulky cameras.

The camera, which makes use of Instax film, requires manual focus to take portrait, group and landscape shots. You can also experiment with multiple exposures or different lenses (fish-eye, close-up, wide-angle) to achieve unusual shots. With the Lomo’Instant Automat, there are no wrong pictures; every image is a work of art and you just have to use your imagination.

If you’re still unsure about what makes a “good” Lomo photo, check out the camera’s box for sample shots as well as helpful tips.

Depending on your exposure and use of the flash, expect your images to be slightly washed out and blurry, or vibrant with rich contrasts. But that’s the beauty of lomography: Imperfections can be perfect, too.

The camera comes with sample shots to guide you.


Experiment with different lenses.

The Lomo’Instant Automat is available at all Digital Walker outlets.