This is one bizarre love triangle.
In 2015, Sophie Tanner from the United Kingdom vowed to stay faithful in the name of holy matrimony to her other half — herself.
Speaking to ITV, Tanner said that the reason she married herself in the first place was to stay away from bad relationships. She also emphasized the importance of self love.
“Self marriage is about self love, and it’s saying that self-compassion and self-care is as important as romantic relationships,” Tanner said.
Here is the moment when Tanner married herself in 2015:
Two years later, it seems that she has broken her self-matrimonial vow when she met Ruari Barratt. He used to have several partners at the same time, but was willing to commit to Tanner. When Barratt again felt the urge to see other women, she broke off their five-month relationship.
Appearing alongside Tanner for the same interview, Barratt said that being polyamorous was his way to reciprocate and gain more love from other people, but it left him with little to none.
So his next move was the unthinkable — he adapted Tanner’s philosophy and married himself, too.
“This is a statement which looks to raise the profile of self-love, saying it’s as important as romantic love and doing it as a formal ceremony as anyone else would have a wedding,” she said of celebrating self-love with a ceremony.
But has the idea of being separated or divorced from herself ever occurred to her? Tanner thinks that it should not be one of the choices. “Marrying yourself is a lifelong commitment to be responsible for your own happiness, so divorce is not an option.” Katrina Hallare/JB
Italian woman marries herself — proves you don’t need a man to tie the knot