For a healthy mind, tune in to the Earth’s natural vibrations

When the first American astronauts were in outer space, far from the energy or magnetic field of the Earth, it was reported that they experienced some indefinable discomfort which could not be accounted for. All medical instruments showed their vital organs normal.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Nasa) scientists, according to the story, were puzzled at what could be causing such a reaction, until somebody suggested it could be due to the fact that they were far removed from the Earth’s natural magnetic field, which was calculated and confirmed by physicist Winfried Otto Schumann to be 7.83Hz (although this may vary because of several factors).

Later, this number became known as the Schumann Resonance. When the same vibration or resonance was incorporated into the space capsule, the astronauts’ strange discomfort disappeared.

This may not be a perfect analogy, but the astronauts’ reaction is somewhat similar to the experience of some people who cannot sleep except on their own bed. They are not used to the vibration or energy of another bed.

Technically, the Schumann Resonance refers to “the frequency of the Earth’s magnetic field between the surface of the atmosphere and the densest part of the ionosphere. It is generated and excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth’s surface and the atmosphere.”

The ionosphere stretches from approximately 30 miles above the surface of the Earth to the edge of space, about 600 miles.

Well-known researcher, lecturer and writer Dr. Joe Dispenza said: “The ancient Indian rishis referred to this as the OHM, the incarnation of the pure sound. Whether by coincidence or not, the frequency of 7.83 also happens to be a very powerful frequency used with brain entrainment, as it is associated with low levels of alpha and the upper range of the theta brain wave state.”

This frequency is also associated with relaxation, high suggestibility or hypnotizability, meditation, intuition and higher levels of awareness and creativity.

Brain entrainment

Training people to meditate, relax, use mental imagery for healing and other beneficial purposes can be facilitated by exposing them to the Schumann Resonance. This is now known as “brain entrainment,” which is a method to stimulate the brain into entering specific brain waves by using a pulsing sound, light or electromagnetic field. The pulsing sound makes the brain follow the frequency of the beat.

I do not think that it is a coincidence that the Schumann Resonance of 7.83Hz corresponds to the alpha brain wave, which ranges from seven to 14 cycles per second. The alpha level is the most relaxing, powerful and meditative level we can be in. When we are in the alpha level we are in an altered state of consciousness, where most ESP phenomena (such as telepathy, clairvoyance, remote viewing, intuition and seeing the future) take place.

In 1987, when we introduced in the Philippines the internationally known inner mind control seminars, we used a small, battery-operated device that made pulsating sounds at the rate of seven to 14 cycles per second, which is within the alpha brain wave level. When the participants’ brain waves are attuned to this alpha frequency, to their great surprise they are easily able to perform those psychic feats mentioned above.

Relaxing, healthy state
To be in tune with the Earth’s natural vibration or magnetic energy, which is around 7.83Hz, is to be in a relaxing, healthy state of mind.

That’s probably why when we are in nature—in the mountains or the beach or in an open field, beyond the reach of the electromagnetic noise or clutter of the cities—we feel relaxed, energized, happy and at peace.

It is said that the shaman’s drums, the waves of the ocean and even the humming of the wind vibrate at the Schumann or alpha level of 7.83Hz. That’s why these vibrations can induce calmness, relaxation and sometimes even a trance state. Humans need to be exposed to this frequency to be healthy, calm and peaceful.

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