The sweetness of sugar–without the calories, cholesterol and guilt

Treasure Life products

There is a new line of zero and low-calorie products, designed to replace or reduce sugar in the diet, that has piqued my interest.

According to Malaysian Arthur Yap Chee Keong, Treasure Life has been trying to develop sugar solutions for multinationals since 2007, and that they’ve discovered the secret process and formulation to eliminate the bad components of sugar and sugar itself.

“We believe the code for sweet taste without the use of sucrose or fructose has been attained,” he said.

Treasure Life creates food and beverages without sugar calories or sugar. “All our products are focused toward the elimination of sugar,” Keong said. “They are made from a free-flowing structural integration of high-intensity sugarcane extract with customized sucralose derived from sugarcane. The process has been designed to specifically work well in enhancing the flavor, sweetness and taste profile of food and beverage recipes, while reducing the added sugar content.

“More importantly, it enables and delivers a range of better sugar-like tasting, low-cost natural product formulation, while reducing the calories in the recipe,” he added. “The formula is derived from high-intensity sugar cane extracts and our proprietary technology, SFC (Special Flavor Carrier).”

The sweetener mimics sugar in taste and sweetness. It is heat-stable (you can bake, cook and brew with it) and has zero calories.

Three variants

Treasure Life sugar replacements come in three different forms:

Treasure Drop, a liquid sweetener, has zero calories, zero glycemic index, zero cholesterol, zero carbohydrate, and without any chemical additives, bulking agents or flavoring. Two drops are equivalent to 8 grams of table sugar.
It is also suitable for any kind of cooking. I use a drop to sweeten my beverage, hot or cold. A bottle dispenses up to 500 servings.

Treasure Sands is a sweetener that comes in granule form, like sugar as we know it. I have used it to cure and finish ham, and it worked.

Using the company’s proprietary process, sucrose is infused with its own sucralose to create this almost identical sugar replacement, though five times sweeter. All you need is a tinge on just about anything for a hint of sweetness.

Treasure Life Syrup is used just as you would any sugar syrup. It is suitable for beverages and to sweeten waffles and pancakes.

Subtle to the buds, it contains no sucrose or fructose. It has a low glycemic load compared to table sugar, and is made from sucralose (derived from sugarcane extract) and Maltitol (from wheat extract). It is approximately 3.5 times sweeter than regular sugar.

Proper tests

I asked Keong if the products have been properly tested. He said: “We have had stringent tests carried out by independent forensic toxicologists from Australia to SGS lab tests… including its non-interference in the intake of medication pertaining to 312 medical sickness and disease…

“We also have FDA Halal Kosher HSA (Health Singapore Authorities) and Temasek Poly comical trials, which all prove that our product does not affect the glycemic index, it is safe and does not have an aftertaste.”

Has it been proven to be beneficial to diabetics?

“Yes, we have done the calculations for Glycemic Index Loading, and have attached the whole formulation in our list of FAQs.”

Other drinks

The company’s products include 3-in-1 premium coffee, tea and chocolate drinks. My personal favorite is the Premium Black Ceylon Tea Latte, which is delicious.

However, of all their offerings, I am most amused by Treasure Click Sprays. The size of a mascara, it can dispense up to 100 servings. So portable, I think of it as having a beverage bar in my bag. All you need is carbonated water, a spritz and, voila—clear root beer, orange or grape soda! And it tastes so much like the real thing.

According to Keong, the sprays do not contain sugar, additives, artificial flavoring, coloring or carbohydrates. Each variant is authentic in taste. Kids who love soda will love this.

What pleases Keong the most is the opportunity to restore the pleasure of sweetness to those who can no longer enjoy the decadence sugar brings.

It is best, of course, to consult your doctor first before starting a diet regimen that includes sugar substitutes.

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