The Soft Side of Rocker Basti Artadi

Basti Artadi has always been someone who’s not afraid to be wildly different from the masses. In airwaves plagued by sugary ballads and pop rock, his band Wolfgang conquered the music scene with their unique heavy metal sound, which music enthusiasts welcomed heartily.

This eccentricity carries over in the way Artadi did the interiors of his home office. Like his music, his home office is the perfect balance of chaos and order. Canvasses of his acrylic work surround us as we enter his home office. On the right of his desk are his other art pieces—a wild mix of acrylics, oil and spray paint depicting a strange range of characters from Dr. Doom to Clint Eastwood. His room reflects his heavy metal tastes, down to the music blaring from the speakers, but among his pile of music records, photos of his wife and children make cheery guest appearances.

Looks like this heavy metal man also has a soft side.

Source: Meg Manzano for Red Magazine, “Rhyme and Reason,” September 2014