It’s all about relaxed and comfy for ‘It’ guy LA Aguinaldo

What you’ll find in LA’s wardrobe: A lot of black, white socks, loose polos, vintage T-shirts, and way too many sneakers


LA Aguinaldo has preternaturally good skin, the kind you’d see on a Korean star—clear, dewy, luminous. It’s quite unfair since the model/vlogger/influencer has a low-maintenance skincare regimen.

“When I wake up, I usually just wash my face with a gentle wash, nothing too harsh,” he says.

Since he wears makeup regularly for shoots, his cleansing regimen includes glycolic soap, pore minimizing toner and Chat 2%, an acne-fighting solution that disinfects, dries up zits and promotes skin renewal.

His style is equally low-key yet impactful: workwear-
inspired looks, vintage tees and a crushed velvet jacket when the occasion calls for it.

Many of LA’s followers, who fawn over his style, turn to YouTube, where he documents his interests: travel, music, fashion.

On social media, you’re likely to find him raving about a waffle house in Los Angeles, meeting the cast of “Stranger Things,” or attempting boxing.

“Making stuff has always been in my heart,” he says. “Since I was a kid, I was the type who didn’t really stick to just one thing, whether sports or hobbies. I really like trying things that are unfamiliar.”

Does the unfamiliar mean taking a step into show biz? “Show biz has always been the big question mark,” he says. “Let’s see if it will turn into an exclamation point.”

This year, LA says he is focused “on creating bigger, better things. Bolder ideas that I’ve wanted to share.”

You have remarkably good skin. Did you ever go through an awkward phase—acne, breakouts?

I guess they come in waves. I notice if I drink a lot of water, get enough sleep and limit oily food, I tend to have clear skin. I would have acne breakouts here and there—usually when I’m stressing
or mindlessly binge-eating.

How do you take care of your skin?

I drink lots of water—like a lot. It starts right there. Hydration is key. When you’re dehydrated, your skin dries up, too. Your pores get irritated, thus, breakouts. When I wake up, I usually just wash my face with a gentle wash, nothing too harsh. Then, in the evening, I wash again, then follow it up with a gentle toner, just to get all the leftover dirt if any.

What products work for you, and how did you discover them?

I learned that my face doesn’t take moisturizers very well. It pays to know what type of skin you have so you can take care of it properly. If you haven’t gone to a dermatologist, I think it’s best to start right now.

Just go in for a consultation. Don’t be shy.


LA Aguinaldo wearing Fred Perry at the Trevi Fountain

What’s a skincare rule you follow no matter what?

No matter how tired I am from a shoot/work, I have to follow through with wiping the makeup off and washing my face before crashing into bed.

Where do you go to learn more about skincare?

The dermatologist.

A lot of guys are starting to take skincare seriously. Why do you think it has taken them so long to get on the bandwagon?

Maybe the stigma of “caring too much” is wearing off. It’s cool now to take care of your skin. I used to not really care, but I mean, you have only one body your whole life, so might as well take care of it. Also, would you rather be the dude with dry elbows or moisturized skin?

In Korea, for example, guys front plenty of beauty and skincare brands. Do you see that happening here anytime soon?

Maybe it’s happening right now, but guys aren’t that comfy talking about it yet. It’s just a matter of time, I guess. Give it a few more years.

When it comes to trends, do you believe in going your own way and ignoring them altogether, or do they serve as inspiration?

I think it’s all right to follow trends, but for me that’s the easy way out. You can easily go into a store and pick out something from the season rack. It takes something else to pull out an outfit that you thought of. Maybe it’s something you saw in a movie, or something from a song that inspired you. A flower, a landscape, anything, really. Clothes should represent what you’re going through. It’s like a tattoo, but less… permanent. People change every day, our fashion tastes could, too.

If we went through your closet what would we find?

A lot of black, white socks, loose polos, vintage T-shirts, and way too many sneakers.

What labels are you obsessed with at the moment?

Wood Wood, Fear of God, Moncler, Calvin, Undercover.

We’re in the middle of fashion week. Have you seen anything worth buying/obsessing over?

The whole color palette of Undercover Fall 2018.

How would you define your style?

Relaxed and comfy.

Who do you look up to in fashion?

I get inspiration from the internet, mostly. Lately, though, I’ve been into workwear. So I tend to notice what the workforce is wearing a lot. Practicality is number one for them, and I get a lot of inspiration on how they dress according to their need at their work sites.

Where do you look/go when you want to be inspired?

Magazines, internet, my laundry basket.

Who do you consider stylish?

Shia Lebouf, Jaden Smith, Jerry Lorenzo. These guys are definitely tastemakers but people don’t know it. These guys are your fashion icon’s icons.

What are the qualities of a bad outfit?

Dirty clothes are always bad. The look on a person’s face if their outfit is not comfy.