How this 24-year-old radiologic technologist lost 25 pounds despite a hectic work schedule

Ruth Bunda didn’t let her work as a radiologic technologist halt her progress towards getting fit

Photos courtesy of Ruth Bunda

When you work over eight hours a day, finding time to hit the gym could be unbearable given the workload and stress you’re already enduring. So for a committed radiologic technologist like Ruth Bunda who worked her way from 141 to 116 pounds in just a year, it’s a matter of having the dedication to reach her goals.

In her case, running on weekends, working out at home, and eating healthy became keys to not just looking fit but also gaining the self-confidence she knew would help her stay positive in life.

Tell us about your weight issues and struggles. When did your weight become a problem and what caused it to spiral out of control?

I didn’t feel beautiful in whatever clothes I wore before. Walking or just taking a few flights of stairs made me feel like I’m dying. My weight got out of control when I was still reviewing for my board examination in 2015. What I did almost every time was to eat—maybe because of the stress and trying to get enough energy to study.

What was it like the first time you attempted to lose weight?

The first time I tried to lose weight, I got sick. In the very first week of 2017, I decided to go on sick leave because I barely ate during those times just to lose weight.

The transformation of Ruth Bunda from 141 to 116 pounds
The transformation of Ruth Bunda from 141 to 116 pounds

What was the biggest struggle: food, exercise or temptation?

My biggest struggle was food, especially the amount of rice I was taking. I love rice so much that I would still eat it with just soup as my side dish. Time was a struggle too because of the fatigue I got from my duties. Almost all the time, I just wanted to sleep and rest on the days I wasn’t at work.

What was your workout regimen like?

What I did was run. When I was still starting, every afternoon, I jog, run, or walk for an hour. Sometimes when it’s my rest day, I run in the morning and afternoon. But when I shed my weight down to 121 pounds from 141, I just ran on weekends for about 6 to 10 kilometers. Then I also worked out at home after work.

The biggest misconception about losing weight is that it’s all about looking thin. For me, it’s not just about that, feeling good inside matters too

Now that you’ve lost a significant amount of weight, how do you plan to keep it off? What are your next goals?

Now that I’ve lost weight, I’m looking to tone my muscles and cut out my belly fat. My next goal is to weigh 110 pounds.

Were there times when you felt down? What kept you motivated?

Yes, of course. There came a time when I felt like I was not losing weight anymore. Whatever I was doing or sometimes, when my weight goes back and forth at 121 pounds, I felt disappointed. But, I never allowed myself to get down. I kept reminding myself on how far I have already come to stay motivated.

Ruth admits it wasn’t an easy feat but she kept herself motivated to keep going on
With the discipline she showed, Ruth Bunda unintentionally also inspired other people to get fitter

How has your weight loss affected your relationships?

Actually, I felt really loved by everyone. I also felt happy that the people around me, like my friends, got motivated by the way I showed discipline in losing weight.

What specific changes to your lifestyle have you made that works for you?

Aside from exercise, I started being picky with the food I’m eating. Sometimes, I still eat the food I used to take before but this time I eat them in moderation. During lunch, I only eat vegetables. So I started eating healthy and I have avoided eating too many sweets and juices.

What’s the biggest misconception about people wanting to lose weight?

The biggest misconception about losing weight is that it’s all about looking thin. For me, it’s not just about that, feeling good inside matters too. It’s having both the right metabolism while also feeling happy.