30 years of exploring the inner mind

It was 30 years ago in March 1988 that I established the Inner Mind Development Institute to conduct research on the largely unknown and hidden mental faculties of man, to publish books and to conduct regular seminars. I retired from the corporate world in 1989.

The first two courses offered were the four-day Inner Mind Development Seminar (IMDS) and the two-day Basic Extrasensory Perception (ESP) and Intuition Development Seminar.

They were designed “as a survival course for the 21st-century decision-maker and corporate personnel. Its aim is to develop the participant’s whole-brain skills and techniques necessary for effective problem-solving and decision-making. It calls for the development of largely dormant and hidden inner mental faculties.”

The Basic ESP and Intuition Development Seminar taught participants how to read a person and diagnose illnesses psychically, send and receive thoughts telepathically, sense the human aura, perform remote viewing or traveling clairvoyance, among others.

Later the same year, the first Soulmates, Karma and Reincarnation seminar was introduced.  It was a six-hour program which included two past life hypnotic regressions  and an in-depth explanation of the controversial topics of reincarnation. For the first time in the Philippines, the concept of soul mates was introduced. This course proved to be the most popular of the seminars.

Only techniques which have been validated scientifically were taught, to ensure that they are effective and safe. There is nothing  supernatural about any of them.

Prominent participants

Many prominent personalities joined, among them  beauty queens, movie and TV personalities, even  members of the judiciary. Participants ranged in age from teenagers to senior citizens. The Soulmates, Karma and Reincarnation Seminar, however, attracted mostly female participants.

Later, either the whole courses or parts of them were brought to the provinces and abroad, from Argentina and the United States to  Austria.

The courses were initially assailed by conservative Christians. There is actually nothing in the courses which is against any religion. They are nonpolitical, nonracial and nonreligious. The objective is the development of the whole person.

At the same time I was also writing books, many of which became bestsellers. I have published 17 books and three pamphlets and coauthored two books, one of which was published in the United States. There are three or two more manuscripts I have completed writing, to be published this year.

Since I am semiretired, these courses are not held regularly any more, but may still be conducted upon request by interested individuals. We now have online workshops at innermindlearning.com.