Motorists and commuters were treated to quite a surprise last Good Friday, March 30, when police officers of the Tabuelan Police Station in Cebu stopped them in one of their checkpoints and gave away ice candies for free — a form of defense, surely, against the sweltering heat of summer.
“Having a bad day? Here, have an ice pop,” stated the Tabuelan Pulis Facebook page, sharing photos of the police officers handing the icy treats to motorists and people inside vehicles.

Unlike their usual checkpoint operations of visual search and asking questions, the police officers made sure that after inspection, the passengers get to have something sweet in return.
“Unlike the ordinary checkpoint we see everyday, despite the scorching heat of the summer sun, Tabuelan Police Force conducted checkpoint operation earlier and gave away refreshments such as ‘ice pops’ and reminded them about the safety measures while driving or traveling,” the page stated.
It seems there was enough for everybody, as the police officers were seen with a huge cooler filled with ice candies in different flavors.
The heartwarming initiative comes from their Oplan Ligtas Byahe, as the police officers of Tabuelan believe that the ice candies help in ensuring safe journeys for everyone, since heat sometimes affects people’s moods on the road, leading to road rages, accidents and heat strokes.
“That is why we made our efforts to prevent those things from happening,” the page added. “Hope you have a good Friday and enjoy your weekend, sirs and ma’am.”
It seems their good deed came back tenfold too, as their little initiative became the reason for a lot of people’s smiles that day. JB
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