3 reasons you should try an obstacle course race now

Spoiler alert: Sign up for an obstacle course race if you want both fun and fitness in one event

By Klyde Manansala | Photos courtesy of Merrell Philippines

From climbing monkey bars to crawling under barbed wire and even jumping over a fire pit, each stage of an obstacle race presents a different challenge that will undeniably test your fitness and perseverance. More than thinking if you’re physically and mentally tough enough to edge an extraordinary playground, ask yourself first: Why should you race an obstacle course when you can just lift weights at the gym or run a marathon?

The Race Is Bigger Than Yourself

The journey in obstacle racing is not just about your personal goals. Instead of the established competitive nature of regular races, obstacle course racing offers a different approach that sets it apart from the rest: camaraderie and teamwork. People who sign up for this race are out to feel a sense of accomplishment while doing it with colleagues. They turn their fitness and workout routine into a strong sense of bonding and social gathering where people are helping each other curb the exhausting parts of the race. Struggling to mount a wall? Teammate or not, someone’s always got your back.

An Effective Way on Improving Mental Toughness

The primary goal of obstacle racing is to challenge yourself. While doing so, you will realize how far you can go until your body tells you to stop—this is where you develop persistence. Obstacle after obstacle, the more you overcome those rope climbing and muddy stages, the more you push yourself to achieve more. Little did you know, you’re slowly learning how to ignore and fight exhaustion. As you finish several obstacle course races, you foster a strong mental attitude that will help you in the long run.

“Obstacle after obstacle, the more you overcome those rope climbing and muddy stages, the more you push yourself to achieve more

Getting Fit Becomes Fun

While obstacle course racing and weight lifting share the same goal—to reach your desired fitness level—going through challenging obstacles provides a different kind of entertainment. The race allows you to take on a tough test and accomplish it, which will later on boost your confidence all while getting fit. As the old adage says, having fun with what you’re doing will make it so much easier to finish. Obstacle races are no different from life situations. The only way to cross the finish line is to embrace the challenges while happily doing it with a smile.

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