Natural ways to relieve a cold

At the book fair dubbed Big Bad Wolf, recently held at the World Trade Center in Manila, one that caught my eye was a beautifully illustrated hardcover booklet, “50 Natural Ways to Relieve a Cold” by Raje Airey, published by Lorenz Books in 2013.

Big Bad Wolf is a Malaysian book fair whose offerings were taken mostly from a bookstore dealing in excess or “remaindered” books from international distributors. Book fairs have been held in several Southeast Asian countries since 2009. The books are sold at unbelievably low prices.

Of the 50 natural ways to relieve a cold included in the book, I have selected only a dozen which are available in the Philippines. According to the author, many of these “have been tried and tested for centuries and used in different healing traditions across the world.”

The author defines a common cold as a “viral infection affecting the upper respiratory system—the nose, throat and sinus passages… Colds usually come on suddenly and the symptoms are relatively mild and lasting an average of a week to 10 days… During a cold, the body produces more mucus in order to help trap the invading germs.”

1) Vitamin C: Most Western-trained doctors in the Philippines don’t consider supplemental vitamin C necessary, as long as one eats adequate food regularly. However, for treating colds, it is recommended that a therapeutic dose of 1,000 mg be taken three times a day.

2) Echinacea: Native Americans have used echinacea for hundreds of years to treat all kinds of illnesses, including poisonous bites, stubborn wounds and fevers. For colds, take a 500 mg capsule three times day.

Antibacterial and antiviral

3) Garlic: Garlic has antibacterial and antiviral properties and a long tradition of medicinal use. For colds, eat up to six cloves a day or take one to three garlic capsules daily.

4) Citrus fruit drinks: Squeeze or blend citrus fruits, and drink the juice or dilute with water to ward off a cold and sore throat. Citrus fruits contain carbohydrates, fiber, vitamin C, potassium, folate, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, riboflavin, pantothenic acid and a variety of phytochemicals. Examples of citrus fruits available in the Philippines are calamansi, melon, orange, grapefruit, pomelo, strawberries, tomatoes, papaya.

5) Cinnamon: It is a potent antiseptic and stimulant which possess antispasmodic properties. Available as powder or rolled sticks. It combines well with oranges which are rich in vitamin C.

6) Ginger and lemon tea: Mix ginger and lemon, and sweeten with honey for a nice soothing drink. Drink several glasses during the day.

7) Garlic and honey syrup: Combine garlic with honey to make a soothing syrup to prevent or relieve cold and flu symptoms.

8) Essential oils: Essential oils capture the essence of the plant and all its healing properties in a highly concentrated form. Aromatherapy works by inhalation and/or by absorption into the skin. With one or two exceptions, oils are never put directly on the skin, but are added to a suitable carrier oil, such as vegetable or coconut oil.

Energy paths

9) Facial massage: Almost any part of the body can benefit from massage. To ease sinus congestion, a gentle facial self massage will encourage drainage of mucus from the nose and sinuses.

10) Hand and foot baths: In the shivery, aching hot and cold stage of a feverish cold or flu, a hand or foot bath may be a better treatment than a full body bath. Add essential oils of ginger and nutmeg to warm the body.

11) Reflexology massage: Reflex zones in the hands or feet correspond to different organs of the body via energy paths or meridians, according to the 5,000-year-old traditional Chinese medicine. By applying gentle pressure to certain points on the feet, reflexology stimulates the body to heal itself.

12) Meditation and visualization: It is interesting to note that the author has included meditation and creative visualization to relieve colds the natural way. Since 1988, I have been teaching a form of meditation and visualization to heal one’s self of various illnesses. It has helped many participants of my seminars. This visualization technique is available on CD for those who are interested in trying it. It can be done in just 15 minutes to achieve results.

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