Awash in watercolor

Renowned artist Edgar Doctor at Gallery C in Conrad Manila

Conrad Manila recently unveiled the fourth themed installation of its “Of Art and Wine” exhibit at Gallery C. It features the works of renowned painter Edgar Doctor. Titled “Master of Colors,” the exhibit is curated by Gallery Valentina.

The artist hails from Calabaga, Camarines Sur, and is best known for his watercolor paintings. He’s also distinguished in oil and acrylic painting, printmaking, as well as metal and wood sculpting.

“The concept in my installation in Gallery C is still life in watercolor,” said Doctor. Asked about the apparent fondness for fishes and fruits in his representational oeuvre, he said, “I don’t know. I cannot explain. My paintings are art pieces. It might have been past experiences, or it could be that those images flashed in my mind when I was painting.”

The exhibit features 30 works, with varying subjects such as fishes, birds, trees, all in an assortment of bright and dark colors. The artist has an exceptional skill in capturing life’s moments. The images are compelling and resonate well with any viewer.


Doctor has earned accolades throughout his career. He was listed in the 2000 Outstanding Artists and Designers of the 20th Century, published by the International Biographical Centre in Cambridge, England.

He described his body of work as “very fluid art.” Each canvas is beauty simplified.

Conrad Manila general manager Laurent Boisdron said the hotel has been focusing on local artists.

“We are delighted to have the visual artistry of Doctor’s caliber featured at Gallery C,” said Boisdron. “The gallery exemplifies Conrad Manila’s continued effort to support the ever-evolving and emergent local art scene in the Philippines. The vibrancy of Doctor’s still-life works seamlessly blends with the hotel’s luxurious interiors and style.”

After viewing “Master of Color” at the opening, guests at Gallery C were treated to three other colors—red, white and gold. Red wine, white wine, and bubbly glasses of champagne were served, provided by PWM Vitral wines. —CONTRIBUTED

Contact 8339999 (Angelica Restrivera), 09173511186 (Gallery Valentina); e-mail