You cannot open or close your third eye

About a month ago, two anthropology students of the University of the Philippines interviewed me about the third eye as part of their research. They were actually taking different courses but had chosen anthropology as elective.

I was surprised their professor approved their research topic—psychic and paranormal phenomena are not usually discussed in our schools.

Here are the questions they asked about the third eye and my answers:

What do you understand as the third eye?

The so-called third eye is really “clairvoyance,” or the ability to see things that cannot ordinarily be seen physically.

“Clairvoyance” comes from two French words which means “to see clearly.”

The physical organ that is believed to be the seat of clairvoyance or the third eye is the pineal gland, which is located in the middle of the brain between the left and right neocortex.

Some sensitive people have experienced a tingling sensation in the middle of their brain when having clairvoyant or psychic perception.

The pineal is a small-pine shaped gland that produces melatonin, which is involved in our sleeping and waking cycle (the so-called circadian rhythm). It is sensitive to light and produces melatonin when it is completely dark.

The pineal gland is traditionally represented between the eyebrows. And some people have the mistaken belief that one can stimulate the opening of the third eye by massaging this area or focusing one’s meditation on this spot.

Some people have asked me if I could open or close a “third eye.”

The third eye is not like a door that can be opened or closed, or a faucet that can be turned on or off. It is part of our mental faculty. We can only manage or control it but it cannot be closed completely.

It is commonly or popularly called the third eye because it is like seeing something with another eye beyond our two eyes. But that is just a metaphor.

Is the third eye limited only to the sense of sight?

Strictly speaking, yes.

What about other senses, like hearing, smell, taste?

They are called by other names, not the third eye. For example, hearing something from afar, or what others cannot hear, is called “clairaudience.” Smelling something that others cannot ordinarily smell is called “clairolfaction.”

I don’t know what the psychic sense of taste is called, or if there is a word for it.

There are differences in seeing with the third eye. For example, some people see spirits as shadows, or like clouds or silhouettes. Others see them as transparent, while still others see them as solid.

Is the third eye limited to seeing spirits, then?

No. Seeing the past or the future is a form of clairvoyance though they are called by a different name. Remote viewing is a form of clairvoyance.

Can the third eye be developed?

Yes. It can be developed through regular meditation, through spiritual exercises or attuning your mind to the spirit world, or just by being open to your intuition or listening or acting on intuition.

Remote viewing is an excellent method of developing clairvoyance or the third eye.

Have you experienced seeing the future?

Yes, but it is not really “seeing” in the usual meaning of the word. It is more like being aware of an event which turns out to be correct.

I have several cases of this. For example, I told a group of people six months before Ninoy came back to the Philippines that if he returned, he would be assassinated. When President Marcos died, I told some people that the next president of the country would be a woman. Everyone thought it would be Imelda Marcos. It turned out to be Cory Aquino.

Can you give other examples of your experience with the third eye?

Well, I have done some very successful remote viewing, although my students are better at this ability than I. I have literally seen the ailing stomach of a former assistant of mind who had severe stomach pain and healed it. I have seen the deviated septum of a male friend of mine with eyes closed in both instances.

What can you advise those who have the third eye but are afraid of what they are seeing?

There are many people like that. Some have come to me because they thought they were crazy or hallucinating. I explain to them the nature of the third eye and psychic abilities.

I advise people with open third eye to study this field of psi phenomenon more deeply. Otherwise, they would forever be afraid of it, when it is in fact a natural ability.

To learn more, you may read my book, “Understanding the Psychic Powers of Man,” available at National Book Store. You may avail of my webinar on ESP at E-mail