Premium HyC 150 – your one-step beauty routine for only P125 per day


We constantly encounter stress in our lives where our body gets wrestled from all the daily activities that we do. From just simply doing chores at home to beating traffic, as we rigorously perform our work, we are exposed to different forms of hassles and pressure that deteriorates our energy and risks our health.

Our body needs the complete vitamins and minerals to function well and do our day-to-day activities with pleasure. We need the proper amount of nourishment and hydration to keep our skin healthy and supple.

With all these, you pay a lot of attention to beauty routines which often come with a purchase of vitamin supplements, beauty creams for facial care, hair tonic, and nail cream. If you add these all up, it can be costly and can really strain your budget.  And for women or men on the go, these routines may even be time-consuming – making it difficult to sustain. This kind of routine can totally wear you out and you’ll wonder, is it really worth it?

With all the step-by-step beauty regimen being marketed today, Fine Japan Co. Ltd., a 40-year-old wellness company that has been manufacturing nutraceutical products, has found a way to put your beauty needs in one quick and easy powdered drink that costs only P125 a day.

Premium HyC150 is a supplemental drink that contains hyaluronic acid, collagen and ubiquinol and fortified with vitamin C, biotin, elastin and pearl coix. These ingredients help boost your body’s energy, revitalize the skin and ensure that your body would get the right nutrients it needs.

Our skin is exposed to the harmful rays of the sun. On top of that, the heavy traffic and air pollution can even put our skin into more danger with all the dirt and toxic particles. It can even harm our eyes and dry the scalp of our hair. Premium Hyc 150 helps address these.

With collagen and a high content of hyaluronic acid, Premium HyC 150 helps hydrate the skin to look younger, lubricate the joints and eye tissues helping protect the eyes and provide structural support throughout the body.

Hyaluronic acid also helps regenerate healthy gums and hydrates the deep layers of the scalp for healthy, lustrous hair. This type of acid promotes better nutrient absorption and helps regulate protein for wound healing.

Seventy percent of our skin is composed of collagen. This protein not only invigorates energy in the body but also supports muscle, ligaments and bones in the body.

To protect our body from the environmental toxins most especially from those we inhale during traffic that can damage our internal organs and cells, ubiquinol, a substance naturally produced by the body, is also an ingredient of Premium HyC 150.

Premium HyC 150 also has vitamin C that is essential to repair body tissues and regain a youthful skin glow. The supplement drink also has anti-allergy properties thanks to its pearl coix powder component. This powder also helps brighten skin and give our hair and nails a healthy boost.

With all these benefits, Premium HyC 150 helps you meet your daily health and beauty needs in just one supplemental drink.

No more hassle, just a 1-step beauty routine when you wake up in the morning. No need to pick your pocket and buy thousands worth of beauty products to help keep your body and skin healthy. No need to spend so much time and effort to be beautiful all over.  Just drink one sachet of Premium HyC 150 everyday for only P125 and you’re all set for the day ahead!

Premium HyC 150 is available at Watsons stores nationwide, online at and at the HyC 150 online store.