‘Visual gatherer’ Rosskopf mounts first Manila exhibit

“Insomniac’s Garden My Wall of Guitars”

Galerie Stephanie presents “Let Me Love and Steal,” the first international solo exhibition of Oregon-based American visual artist Morgan Rosskopf on Nov. 9-25.

Rosskopf, who describes herself as a “visual hunter-
gatherer,” juxtaposes images she has collected from different contexts to create intricate, multilayer artworks exploring themes of and metaphors for love, vulnerability, dissonance, anxiety and other conflicting emotions.

“Because there is no objective referent of comparison for these emotions, we are left to describe them using metaphor, making this area of language very fluid and difficult to pin down,” the artist said. “I am particularly interested in illustrating how we tell the story of our lives to ourselves and how we inadvertently live by the metaphors we create. Our internal monologues hold great power; they shape our reality and reshape our memories,
consolidating experiences, thoughts, dreams and emotions into a somehow unified psychology.” –CONTRIBUTED

Galerie Stephanie is at 4/L, Shangri-La Plaza, Mandaluyong City. Call 9405726.

“Night Garden #3”
“Split Fountain”