Wine bottles get a new life

WINE bottles as candleholders

After the merriment is over, what do you do with the empty bottles of happily consumed wine? Don’t throw them out just yet. Keep a few of about the same size, and shape and use them as candleholders. To make them even more interesting for friends and family, place stickers on them with handwritten greetings or guests’ names. Here’s how:


Empty and clean wine bottles: For a more uniform look, choose bottles of same shape, height and color.

Sticker paper or plain paper

Pen, pencil


Double-sided tape (if you will be using plain paper)

Tapered or slim candles to fit wine bottle opening.

Optional: stickers

Measure the body of your wine bottle and mark the center where you will later stick your label (sticker or plain paper) cut according to your liking.

With a pencil, write the greeting or name at the center of the paper. Retrace with the pen of your choice.

Decorate your paper label with stickers or with your computer, or freehand design.

If you are using a plain paper label, carefully stick double-sided tape on two ends of the back of your label.

Stick label on the marked place.

Place the tapered candles in your bottle.

Tip: Plain paper with double-sided tape seems to be the easiest way for nonexperts!