Sansó, Nuyda landscapes at Fundacion Sansó

“Garden of Passion” by Sansó
“Garden of Passion” by Sansó

Fundacion Sansó in San Juan City will open on Nov. 27 the exhibit, “Separate Paths, Similar Visions,” featuring landscapes of acclaimed pillars of Philippine Modernism, Justin Nuyda and Juvenal Sansó.

The show celebrates the 89th birthday of Sansó.

Focusing on the landscape, a subject that both artists are known for, a dialogue is established between the two artists who brought their take on Philippine Modernism to separate paths, as their experiences are vastly different.

On the one hand, Sansó explored and painted the Brittany shores, painting it constantly for more than 50 years, evolving his renditions to factual sketches to poetic surreal landscapes to focus on solitude as he exorcised his traumas of war.

“Mindscape Search Crater Lake” by Nuyda

On the other hand, Nuyda would paint iridescent abstracted landscapes that celebrate the glories of nature, in as much as they express his quest for his unique style.

Sansó and Nuyda transform the landscape into an innerscape of solitude and transcendence. —CONTRIBUTED