Pimple Pete wants you to be his Dr. Pimple Popper

Pete wants you to help “pop” his pimples

It’s so gross!” my nephew Azi said, wrinkling his nose at the sight of Pimple Pete.


He’s not wrong. Pimple Pete’s face is covered with large pimples that look ripe for the picking and that’s exactly what Pete wants you to do: he wants you to help “pop” his pimples by grabbing their squishy heads and twisting and wiggling them out.


Pimple Pete is a collaboration between toy company Spin Master and Dr. Pimple Popper Sandra Lee, the internet’s queen of pimple extraction videos.


The rules of the game are simple. Players take turns in removing Pete’s pimples to collect pimple points. The spinner determines which area they should work on: forehead, left cheek, right cheek or chin. Just like in real life, some zits are harder to get rid of than others. Bigger pimples get you more points, of course. You have to be gentle though—yank Pete’s pimple too hard and you’ll burst the Mega-Zit and get sprayed (with water, thankfully, not pus).


Minutes into the game, Azi had forgotten that he was grossed out by Pete. He was too busy popping pimples, giggling, rubbing his hands in anticipation, and shrieking with laughter every time someone got squirted. And I must admit, I was doing the same.




It’s an enjoyable game for both kids and adults to play, popaholic (yup, that’s the term for people obsessed with pimple-popping videos and 3.6 million of them subscribe to Sandra on YouTube) or not. It’s great family fun but I can also see myself having a blast playing this with friends on a drunken game night.


Pimple Pete has that ick factor but it’s fun and can keep you engrossed for hours—just like Dr. Pimple Popper’s videos.


Want more Dr. Pimple Popper? You can watch her on TLC at 8:05 p.m. on Mondays.