3 signs you might be dehydrated

We are always reminded to drink water every day to keep ourselves healthy.Dehydration occurs when our bodies do not have as much water as it needs, but feeling thirsty is not the best indicator of the status of our hydration. The “drink 8 glasses of water a day” rule is actually a myth, people who are bigger or who sweat a lot might actually need more.  So how do we know when we are not getting enough water in our body?

1. You feel light-headed.

Do you suddenly feel dizzy when you quickly stand up from a sitting or lying down position?  Light-headedness can be the result of the dropping of your blood pressure, which is one of the sure signs of dehydration.

2. Your breath smells bad.

Is your mouth often dry?  Saliva washes away food particles that collect in your mouth, so when it is dry, bacteria grows and gives you bad breath. Make sure to keep your mouth wet by sipping water throughout the day.

3. Your skin has decreased elasticity.

Does the skin at the back of your hand snap back quickly after you pinch and hold it for a few seconds?  If not, then this could be a sign of dehydration because decreased skin turgor (the measure of skin elasticity)starts to occur with a fluid loss of around 5%.

There is no question that drinking water is important; it maintains our metabolism rate and allows our bodies to function properly. This is why it’s important to have a reliable water source that can provide fresh, clean, and refreshing drinking water every day. Look no further, because Fujidenzo Home and Commercial Appliances has got you covered with its line of Free-Standing Water Dispensers. Each model comes with three water temperature options of hot, cold, and warm to keep up with your demands. These heavy-duty water dispensers are also equipped with a double safety device and compressor to achieve the perfect water temperature for your preferred drinks. The hot water switch even comes with a child safety lock to avoid anyone from getting accidentally hurt. Not only are Fujidenzo Water Dispensers durable, but they are also elegantly designed with a choice of a black or white color finish.

So what are you waiting for? Visit any leading appliance store nationwide and get the Fujidenzo Free-Standing Water Dispenser. To know more about this product and other Fujidenzo home and commercial appliances, you may visit their website at www.fujidenzo.com or like their Facebook page, Fujidenzo Appliances, for more updates.