No signal tomorrow in Black Nazarene traslacion route

With the Feast of the Black Nazarene drawing a crowd of millions yearly, security is one major issue that constantly needs attention. Inquirer reports that this year, the Department of Information and Communications Technology released an advisory upon the request of the Philippine National Police to have telecommunication companies shut down their network services in areas where the Black Nazarene procession will be passing.

This is a step above the usual protocol to simply jam signals in the areas of the procession.

The network signal shutdown will begin at 5 a.m. (for Globe) on Jan. 9 and will be in place until the end of the procession or upon discretion of the authorities, likely until dawn of Jan. 10.

The following are the general areas affected by the temporary mobile signal shutdown according to Globe:

For more information on the Black Nazarene’s Translacion route, visit


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A basic guide to understanding the Black Nazarene