The Director-General of UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay has announced that the Brazilian city will be the World Capital of Architecture for 2020.
As part of the program, Rio de Janeiro will host several events on the theme “All the worlds. Just one World” and promote the 11th goal of the Sustainable Development Agenda for 2030: “Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.”
In collaboration with local institutions, UNESCO and UIA will organize activities to highlight projects that bring together architects and urbanists with decision makers, civil society representatives, professionals from other sectors, and artists and writers.
This is the first time that a city has been designated as a World Capital of Architecture. Within the framework of the program, the future “capitals” will become “global forums for discussion on the pressing challenges of our world, through the prisms of culture, heritage, urban planning and architecture.”
The designation comes in the wake of the signature of a partnership between UNESCO and the UIA (International Union of Architects). The city will also host the next UIA world congress, which is held every three years. CC