5 things we all want to be better at in the new Year of the Earth Pig


We all look for the chance to start anew. The coming of new year gives us the comfort that we can by leaving behind the things we find heavy to carry further. As the calendar turns on the first day of the Chinese New Year, we create new hopes and goals based on how we lived our lives in the past year. It is not necessarily newness that we aspire to have but betterment, so, no matter how banal our new year’s resolution is, it is worth trying to fulfill.

Here are 5 things we all want to be better at in 2019:

1. Managing
Management requires conviction whether it is time or money. It is commonly advised that we spend both wisely. We usually think that spending them wisely means not spending them at all. With this perception being ingrained in us, we tend to forget to slow down and reward ourselves. It is inevitable for guilt to creep up on days when we find ourselves taking time to appreciate our coffee instead of gulping it down to power us up. Even a short five-minute break in the middle of work can help clear our minds. It is about time we focus on caring for ourselves by giving our mind and bodies the time to recuperate.

2. Creating
Some people create as a form of therapy, some as a form of expression, while others as a form of livelihood. Whatever our reason may be, practicing our craft, and in return, being better at it, can take us away from the mundanity of our everyday life. Share your works to the world little by little. Don’t hide them inside the walls of your room. If you stopped, remember the time when happiness is measured by the smell of paint, the touch of strings on your fingertips, or the ache from writing too much. Rekindle the love.

3. Asking
We often find it difficult to ask for something. During our childhood days, the art of asking came to us easily and naturally. Our fear of rejection hinders us from practicing it nowadays. Let us not prolong the agony of uncertainty. Ask for an answer when none is given. Ask for the truth when doubt persists. Ask for help when exhaustion sinks in. Know that words can have the power to complete the puzzle, fill in the gaps, and ease heaviness.

4. Giving
It is only with deep sincerity that we stop counting. The wrong people might be the ones asking for more, but we will not realize this right away. Let us try not to call it a mistake. It is through the act of generosity that we learn how to receive wholeheartedly. We already have our palms wide open for the moments we spent giving. And when the universe chooses to give back to us, if it chooses to, our hands will be ready to accept.

5. Connecting
Let’s extend our world to the people around us, and perhaps, we can learn from them. All it takes is a single encounter or interaction for a connection to be made. We may have different world views, but a genuine understanding brought by a message sent across creates empathy. By listening to someone’s story and sharing ours, we can view the world beyond our own lenses—a perspective that is definitely wiser, one that the world needs now.

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