New to deadlifts? Here are 5 exercises for beginners

In order to master deadlifts, it’s important to start with the basics

Photo by Joel Rivera-Camacho/Unsplash

When it comes to weightlifting, the deadlift is crucial. If done correctly, it can be effective in building overall strength and muscle mass. It’s a vital part of strength and conditioning and if you’re thinking about adding deadlifts to your routine, here are some exercises you can start with.

Staggered stance kettlebell deadlift

The staggered stance is a single-weight exercise that can improve stability and overall oblique strength. The exercise helps you squat deeper, which makes you use your muscles through a larger range of motion. In addition, the staggered stance is also works out the hamstring and glutes and adds flexibility to your body.

Staggered Stance Kettlebell Deadlift

The Romanian Deadlift (RDL)

The RDL is an effective exercise that strengthens the core and lower body with one move. When you do the RDL, you strengthen your posterior muscles, specifically the erector spinae, gluteus, hamstrings, and adductors. This classic exercise increases hip mobility as well as improves your dynamic flexibility.

Hex bar deadlift

This workout makes you stand in the middle of a hexagon and hold the handles on each side. Dubbed the most beginner-friendly deadlift, the purpose of the hex bar is for you to lift heavier and allow you to work on your lower body.

Barbell deadlift

A classic exercise, this is meant for putting on mass and building overall strength. It works out the hamstrings, glutes, and biceps, providing overall strength for the whole body.

Cable deadlift

This is an alternative for those who don’t like barbells or dumbbells in general. It targets the hamstring and gluteus with an emphasis on the lower back, rear shoulders, forearms, upper back, and traps. If you want an upper body workout, the cable deadlift is the perfect choice.