A workout that impacts the greater community

Outdoor activities strengthen employee engagement in the workplace

By Nicole Ganglani | Photos by Javier Lobregat, Bea Ledesma, JP Talapian, and Samantha Ong

When it comes to the workplace, outdoor activities are important. Not only does it give employees the chance to work outside the office once in a while but it’s also a way for them to reach out to a community and contribute to society.

One way your workforce can do this is to partner up with organizations like Renovate to Educate (rED) where employees get the chance to rebuild a school–which was exactly what we did along with the rest of the Hinge Inquirer  team last Friday, May 3 at the Gotamco Elementary School in Pasay City.

Thanks to the guidance of rED, the team created three mural painted walls and refurbished a total of 73 desk and chairs, two classrooms, 11 blackboards, and three classroom doors. This team effort is going to benefit a total of 1,148 students for the upcoming school year.

Renovating a school is one of the many outdoor activities that a company can conduct in order to promote an active lifestyle among tts employees. Doing field work also promotes productivity and team motivation; it also develops problem solving skills and promotes team creativity. Individually, employees will get a sense of personal development and also a good mental and physical exercise, especially for those working an eight-hour desk job daily.

Ultimately, not only do corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities help the company be socially accountable to itself, stakeholders, and to the public but also to its employees by getting them to reach out to a community in need.

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