Can karma be reversed?

A reader named John e-mailed the following question about polarity and karma:


“I have read that things that happen to a person depend on which polarity of energy he/she is attracted to—either positive or negative. I believe it because ‘like attracts like.’


“But then, there’s the belief that karma also has something to do with what happens to a person. I also believe this.


“My question is, how can we say that what’s happening to a person is due to his polarity of energy or the result of karma?


“If it’s because of karma, what can be done for it to end? Can it be reversed by switching the consciousness to the opposite polarity? Is it possible?”


Karma is perhaps one of the most misunderstood and misused words in this country, and one of the most difficult to explain. We don’t have an equivalent word for it in either English or Tagalog.


Karma comes from the Sanskrit word meaning “action.” Action is what brings about the karmic cycle.


But “action” here does not refer only to physical action. It also refers to mental acts, such as desires, intentions, motivations, etc. These can also bring about karmic repercussions.


So, if I intend to rob, deceive or kill you, but do not do so, I have already incurred a karmic debt to you, for which I must pay.


This is probably what Jesus Christ meant when he said (in Matthew 5:27-28): “Whoever looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her.”


Not a moral law


It is, I think, important to emphasize that karma is not really a moral law, the way it is commonly understood. To me, karma is more like the physical law of cause and effect. “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” You do something and that has a consequence. That consequence is karma. It is not a reward or punishment, but merely what naturally follows something you did.


For example, if I hold a stone in my hand and I let go of that stone, it falls to the ground, not because it is being punished but because the force of gravity pulls it down.


The American psychic and prophet Edgar Cayce said that karma is “simply meeting the consequence of our actions in the past.” It is not a reward or punishment by God. God does not punish or reward us; we punish or reward ourselves.


Now, going back to your question: The attraction to a particular polarity that you speak of could be a result of karma. You get attracted to or repelled by a particular polarity because of some experience in a previous life or lives.


Now, karma can only be extinguished or resolved by understanding why that karma existed at all. Once understood, and the lesson learned, there is no more reason for its existence.


A more complete and thorough explanation of this concept can be found in my book “Soulmates, Karma and Reincarnation,” which is available in leading bookstores nationwide.


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