What your aura says about you

To a clairvoyant, or one whose Third Eye is open, every human being looks like a cluster of radiating lights in the form of an egg. These lights emanate from all parts of the body, but most specially from the seven psychic centers (or chakras) of man.

The most prominent and easily seen radiation or aura is around the crown of the head, specially among highly spiritual individuals. The medieval artists probably saw the aura of saints and drew it exactly as they saw the emanation.

According to Eastern mystics, the aura is caused by the life force burning within every living creature. It consists of the electromagnetic vibration of finer matter which can be seen by the naked eye under proper conditions and training.

To a psychic or clairvoyant, the human aura appears as flickering colored lights that instantly change according to the emotional and physical state of the individual. At the time of death, the human aura fades, and the clairvoyant can sometimes see the astral body separate from the physical body, as the silver cord that connects the two bodies breaks.

Because all our perceptions are colored by our personalities and other physical characteristics, no two psychics will see the human aura in the same way.

True colors

But no matter how it is seen, no man can hide anything from him who sees the aura. A man will literally show his true colors.

Two examples give you a better idea.

Don Juan Matus, an extraordinary Mexican Indian shaman, was American anthropologist Carlos Castañeda’s guide and teacher in his study of the psychedelic substances peyote and mescalito. The following is taken from Castañeda’s “A Separate Reality”:

Matus: Someday, perhaps, you’ll be able to see man in another mode and then you’ll realize that there’s no way to change anything about them.
Castañeda: What’s this other mode of seeing, Don Juan?
Matus: Men look different when you see. The little smoke will help you to see men as fibers of lights.
Castañeda: Fibers of light?
Matus: Yes, fibers, like white cobwebs. Very fine threads that circulate from the head to the navel. Thus a man looks like an egg of circulating fibers. And his arms and legs are like luminous bristles bursting out in all directions.
Castañeda: Is that the way everyone looks?
Matus: Everyone. Besides, everyone is in touch with everything else, not through his hands, though, but through a bunch of long fibers that shoot out from the center of his abdomen, so, as you may see someday, a man is a luminous egg, whether he is a beggar or a king, and there’s no way to change anything.

Edgar Cayce was an extraordinary American psychic and prophet who performed psychic readings while in a trance. In a book called “Edgar Cayce on ESP” by Doris Agee, Cayce, who died in 1945, describes his ability to see the human aura:

“Ever since I can remember, I have seen colors in connection with people. I do not remember a time when the human beings I encountered did not register on my retina with blues and greens and reds gently pouring from their heads and shoulders. It was a long time before I realized that other people did not see these colors.”

Scientific study

The first scientific study of the aura’s existence was made by Dr. Walter J. Kilner of St. Thomas Hospital in London in 1908. He discovered that by looking through glass screens stained with dicyanin dye, he could actually see the aura and study it.

Dr. Kilner discovered what the psychics and clairvoyants of old had been saying all along, that the aura could tell a great deal, not only about the present health and emotional state of an individual, but even the onset of disease long before it manifests on the physical plane.

He also found that by studying the changes of colors and the rate of the pulsation of the aura, he could tell a man’s intellectual and spiritual stage of development. The highly spiritually developed man has an aura that extends several feet from his physical body.

The next important development in the scientific study of the aura happened in 1939 in Krasnodar, Russia. That was the year Semyon Kirlian and his wife, Valentina, accidentally discovered that by photographing a part of a person’s body with high frequency electrical fields, he could see certain colorful emanations.

Since then, he has photographed hands of healers and ordinary persons, and withered leaves and other objects.

He discovered, as Dr. Kilner did, that what happens in the aura, or what he calls the “energy field,” is an exact copy of what happens in the physical body, so that it was entirely possible to diagnose an illness before it manifests in the physical body. At varying electrical frequencies, different details show up in the aura.

Unfortunately, mainstream science has completely ignored the tremendous potential of Kirlian photography for diagnosing illness.

Basic ESP and Intuition Development Seminar: May 25-26; e-mail jaimetlicauco@yahoo.com; tel. nos.0998-9886292 or 8107245