More answers to wellness questions

Call it the empowerment of the individual. The gist of this message is clear—you can take charge of your life now. And without ever looking back, you forge ahead knowing that you can and will win any battle. Today, you conquer your wellness goals. Here are the answers to some of your questions.

Q: How can affirmations effect a positive change in me?

It’s in all the mind development and self-improvement books. Your state of wellness is dependent on a balance of body, mind and spirit or BMS.

Scientific studies have shown that the mind influences the body in ways that can determine its illness or wellness. If you choose wellness, then it is clearly explained that a calm and life-affirming state of mind can directly boost the immune system. And vice-versa—if your mind is constantly depressed, the immune system becomes compromised.

A mind/heart that dwells on sadness, bitterness and anger prepares the body to welcome sickness. And this is where affirmations come in. Because the root word means “to affirm,” affirmations do exactly what they were meant to do—affirm life. Take it from there.

So now, let’s do something wonderful for you, shall we? You have nothing to lose. If you keep telling yourself something repeatedly, you will, in the end, believe it.

Start by telling yourself something good. Besides, you deserve it. Examples: “I am in perfect health,” “I feel great,” “I deserve only the best,” “I am successful,” “My dreams are manifesting now.” And the list can go on and on.

You are now the writer and author of your affirmations. They can do you no harm simply because they can only do you good. If you combine these with prayer, how much more powerful they become. Make time for prayer and meditation today.

Q: Practically all my childhood and early adult life, I have been on asthma medication. They don’t seem to be working for me anymore. Are there any natural remedies?

Finding the real cause of your allergies should be your first step toward taking better control of your condition. Allergists believe a supersensitive immune system is an inherited trait.

Exposure to environmental triggers like mold spores (from dirty carpets and air-conditioning) pollen, pollution, cold air and cigarette smoke are the usual suspects. Find out what your triggers are. During an attack, one cannot avoid drugs, which quickly open up airways and reduce inflammation. But here are nutritional approaches:

Dietary counseling—Rule out food allergies and intolerances.

Magnesium—This mineral helps reduce inflammation by stabilizing the immune system, and assists in the elimination of lung-irritating chemicals. Moreover, it produces anti-inflammatory biochemicals called prostacyclins.

All these, says Dr. John Britton of the respiratory unit of City Hospital, Nottingham, England, help relieve congestion and hypersensitivity. According to their study, people who took 480 mg of magnesium daily from foods experienced relief.

Natural sources include the omega-rich oil from fish like mackerel, salmon, swordfish and tuna. If you have an allergy to milk, peanuts, eggs, etc., take magnesium in supplement form and fish oil capsules.

Warning: Stay away from processed foods that contain sulfites, which are found in avocado dips, salads and shellfish.

If you are on steroids, stay away from salt/sodium because you may have problems with fluid/water retention.

Always consult your physician. If you have heart or kidney problems, see your doctor before taking magnesium.

Q: Help me clear up my skin.

Your skin is a reflection of what you eat. Because it is the largest detox organ of the body, one of its main roles is to get rid of toxins through your sweat.

Quick remedies:

Start sweating now—Exercise daily and sauna once weekly.

Flush it out—Drink 10-15 glasses of water—but not all at once, please! Two glasses every 1½ hours is perfect.

Load up on C—Eat everything high in vitamin C—pineapple, guava, kiwi, peppers, broccoli and citrus pink grapefruit.

Eat more green leafy vegetables, and cut the junk food.

Change your cosmetics. You may be sensitive to some of the ingredients. Switch to a hypoallergenic line. Visit your dermatologist.

Stress—Manage your stressors, whatever and whoever they may be. Emotional imbalances reflect on the skin. Try relaxation regimens.

Your affirmation: “I am as calm as an early morning breeze.”

Love and light!