18 tips to build a healing home (even a 24-sq m unit)

Architect Emmanuel Miñana shared these tips with the owner of a 24-sq m unit:

1. Where does the front door face? Put a prayer on it to bless your entrance.

2. Do you have a window where cool natural light comes in (east or south-facing preferably)? If your window faces the hot sun, put a curtain. If it’s cool, keep it open.

3. Do you have few windows that allow cross ventilation?

4. Do you have enough storage space to organize your clutter?

5. Do you have space for an altar or table where items that hold spiritual meaning for you can be mindfully arranged?

6. Can you screen off the noisy sounds coming from outdoors?

7. Do you have an air conditioner that provides cool air when you need it?

8. If you cook in your unit, do you have proper ventilation and exhaust?

9. Do you have space for a bookshelf for the books that inspire you?

10. Do you have a small water feature that allows water to trickle (you can buy this in a plant shop)?

11. Do you bless your space each day with prayers of gratitude and the invocation of the Divine’s support for your life?

12. Do you have proper lighting, preferably LED ceiling down lights in 3000 Kelvin color? (Not dull white light from fluorescent tubes or very yellow bulbs)

13. Do you have flowers or things of beauty you can look at?

14. Do you have a lovely plant you can take care of daily?

15. Do you keep your physical and mental house clean?

16. Use a light paint color that is soothing to your eyes and to visually enlarge the space.

17. Put chimes at the east and south orientations where wind comes through for good chi.

18. Thank the Divine for all you blessings and for giving you the power to face challenges. Do only what is good, to the best of your ability. Offer your body, heart and mind in the service of the Divine!