You’re being glammed up, ’80s style, in a director’s chair. Bright green eyeliner and metallic gold eye shadow are painted on your face. The makeup artist proceeds to tie your hair up on the side with a big silver scrunchie. There’s a Farrah Fawcett hairspray sitting on the station waiting to be sprayed.
But out of nowhere, you see on the mirror the reflection of the Demogorgon, the predatory humanoid with a bloodcurdling mouth for a face from “Stranger Things.” He reaches for your hair, in a totally unexpected turn of events, combs your locks with his long, sharp fingers, as if examining the dry state of your hair.

Netflix brought Starcourt Mall—the center of civilization of 1985 Hawkins, Indiana—in Central Square, Bonifacio High Street, for the advance viewing party of “Stranger Things” season 3 last Monday. Of course a party would not be complete without the presence of the terrifying Demogorgon from the first season.
But instead of lurking and stalking for prey that he would bring to the Upside Down, this Demogorgon danced at Flash Studios aerobics gym with girls in bright-colored tights and leotards and poofy hair, even stopped for some ice cream at Scoops Ahoy. It struck a pose at the photo studio, and many times later with eager guests and fans.
When it was time for the screening of the much-awaited first episode of “Stranger Things,” the monster from the Nether took the front-row seat. Finally, after a 19-month wait, “Chapter One: Suzie, Do You Copy?” was on. You could only wonder what’s going on in this antagonist’s head.