Sweat Threat: Here’s How Dehydration Affects Your Body and What You Can Do About It

Filipinos know a thing or two about heat. While summers should typically last from March to May, in the Philippines, it is common to have periods of warm weather stretching throughout the year, even in between cold and rainy seasons.

And it’s not just about our tropical climate, but also our way of life. With so many situations in our day-to-day lives literally making us feel hot, from cramped spaces, walking under the midday sun, long commutes on public transportation, and waiting in long queues, it’s easy to see why we’ve become so accustomed to heat—and why we tend to overlook the daily situations that might lead to dehydration. Here’s a few things to look out for: 

High Temperatures

Increased heat is not only harmful for the skin—it also leads to dehydration. Between noontime and around 3 to 4 in the afternoon are times when you should avoid being out under the sun. 


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Especially through the hottest points within the day, commuting in cramped transportation vehicles can put you at risk of dehydration. Lack of airflow could also cause you to feel discomfort, stress, and tiredness.


Photo by Tim Gouw via Unsplash

We certainly face factors that cause stress each day. Stress can overexert glands that regulate electrolyte levels, and lead to dehydration. In turn, it can take a toll on our mental well-being and decrease concentration. While there is no way to avoid stress, you can avoid its adverse effects by keeping yourself properly hydrated throughout the day. 

Dry Air

Not only those in cramped spaces with minimal air flow are prone to dehydration—even staying in air-conditioned buildings also puts you at risk. Air conditioning helps our bodies cool down steadily. But while you might think this is enough to protect you from heat exposure, air conditioning also causes low water content and even water loss. So while you relax in the comfort of your air-conditioned room, keep yourself hydrated even when you don’t feel hot. 

Alcohol Consumption

Photo by Michael Discenza via Unsplash

Alcohol is a big part of Filipinos’ social culture—whether it is a big party or small gathering. Not surprisingly, alcohol also puts your body at risk, speeding up the process of dehydration and making you feel weak. It decreases your body’s ability to reabsorb water, which is crucial if you’ve already depleted a lot of water through urination or vomiting. 

Getting Sick

There are a host of symptoms to look out for when you’re about to get sick, and a lot of these are shared with dehydration. Nausea, heavy sweating, dizziness—these can also be caused by particularly intense heat if your body is unable to keep a balanced temperature. It is important to be aware and get immediate care once you experience these to avoid further complications brought about by dehydration.

While it’s not something we tend to think about on a day-to-day basis, dehydration is a real risk. 

One small addition to our lifestyles could make a world of a difference and be extra helpful on warm days, especially when we’re neglecting to get in the right amount of water intake per day. 

A light and refreshing isotonic drink with low sodium, no preservatives, and no artificial colors and flavors, Gatorade Ion is a great way to keep hydrated. Made with the optimal formulation of fluids and electrolytes, Gatorade Ion helps prevent the adverse and sometimes crippling effects of dehydration from our everyday activities. Whether commuting on the train or doing outdoor activities like hiking, even under intense heat, don’t sweat it—easily keep yourself hydrated throughout the day with a bottle of Gatorade Ion in tow.

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