Male actors have it easier compared to their female counterparts. As they age, men grow into their looks and are described as being more distinguished looking. Now, however, more men are taking a proactive approach to keeping the visible signs of age at bay.
Actors Alden Richards and Albert Martinez are two of the country’s best who have undergone Ulthera with Belo and are pleased with the results.

What are some of the benefits you noticed after your Ultherapy procedure?
Alden Richards: It’s one of the best treatments I’ve ever done sa Belo since I started with them, and the results are really amazing. I didn’t expect that right after the procedure, I could really see the difference. Dr. Belo never gives me treatments that will make me apprehensive. It’s always the best treatments. That’s why I’ve been here all this time. Eight years and still a loyal Belo Baby.
Albert Martinez: Since I’ve had Ulthera before, I know the end result, and I’m very happy with it. That’s why I opted to do it all over again.
Please describe your Ultherapy experience.
Alden: I was really surprised, since it’s the first time I’ve done Ulthera. Immediately after the treatment I felt like I was so thin! Of course, after a month, I saw the full result. This is it. My face went from a puffy, fluffy, cute-boy face to a defined, chiseled, mature face.
Albert: One thing I noticed is that you’ll get your sharp features back. Your jawline is gonna come out. You no longer have those drooping cheekbones. That’s what got me really excited during the procedure.
Why did you decide to undergo Ulthera?
Alden: I used to look at guys with more defined, chiseled jawlines, and thought, “Why can’t I achieve that?” I’m a gym rat. I go to the gym as much as I can. I diet a lot. But still, I really don’t get the results that I want, especially when it comes to the face. That was the time Dr. Belo encouraged me to do Ulthera for Men. Sometimes, you really need help, especially from a professional like Dr. Belo. I consulted her on this. And of all the treatments I’ve done, this is the one that really worked on me.
Albert: Aging is inevitable, so you need to take care of yourself well. It’s a plus to look young onscreen, because you’re given the opportunity to work in leading man roles again. Since I’ve been with Belo for 18 years now, I always get a bulletin from Belo Medical regarding new equipment and procedures. I was told that the second generation of Ulthera works much better. It’s not as painful as the first generation. So I said, “Okay, I just wanna try it again.”
Is it painful? What’s the downtime like?
Alden: No, there’s no pain. The good thing about Dr. Belo is she brings in updated machines for clients to be more comfortable when it comes to dealing with noninvasive treatments. She told me I was fortunate because usually, after the treatment, some patients get swollen, but eventually the face becomes thinner and smaller. For all procedures, we have to give them time to see the full results.
Albert: The pain is still there, but it’s now manageable. I believe you can do it without the intravenous anesthesia, just topical anesthesia will do. The end result is much, much better. —Raoul J. Chee Kee