The mystery of the Celine biscuits

Celine, of which Hedi Slimane is artistic, creative, and image director, just posted a photo of biscuits and, of course, no one knows what’s up.

Does Hedi Slimane now expect us to eat?

When Slimane was appointed creative head honcho at Celine, Grazia explained that his role will be an all-encompassing one, that “for the first time in the history of the brand, he will expand the house to include menswear, couture and fragrances.”

Will this brand-wide image-branding include some kind of Celine petit fours, the same way Jacquemus has Citron?

Comments on the Celine biscuit were, expectedly, mixed, with some expressing Slimaniac enthusiasm (“They look so cute and tasty!” “Are they gluten-free?”), and others dispassionate (“I don’t care if you put that logo on a bar of gold, I still wouldn’t buy it.”)

Will Celine biscuits be the next revolutionary thing in the unfrequent cross section of fashion and food? Sound off in the comments below.