What can a pendulum do?

A pendulum is any small object attached to a piece of string or thread that sways freely by the force of gravity.

The pendulum, since the time of astronomer Galileo in the 1600s, has been used to study the forces of gravity and to tell time. But we are going to talk here about the uses of the pendulum beyond technical science.

In ancient Rome and Egypt, the pendulum was used to find underground water and to tell the future. Finding water and minerals with the use of a pendulum or a dowsing rod is technically called “radiesthesia.’’

The other common uses are for diagnosis of illness, determining the sex of an unborn child, whether a certain medicine or food is good for you and what color of dress or shirt to wear for the day.

I experienced using the pendulum successfully in determining whether a person is dead or alive based on his or her picture alone, and for telling whether a quartz crystal is genuine.

But pendulums or dowsing rods are not limited to the aforementioned uses. One student of mine used a pendulum to open the attaché case of a friend, the combination of which he had forgotten.

During World War II, somebody used the pendulum to locate the leak of an oil pipe several kilometers long. What would have taken several days to find was solved in a few minutes.

Diagnose illness

An alternative medical practitioner uses the clicking of his forefinger and thumb to diagnose the illness of his patients and determine what remedy to prescribe. He calls to process “muscle testing,’’ but it is actually the principle of the pendulum that governs the answer he gets.

In order to work, the question asked should be answerable by yes or no. You cannot ask an abstract question like, “Is there justice in this country?” What do you mean by justice?

Pendulums are most useful when asking questions of fact, like, “Do I have a bacterial infection?” “Is my headache caused by stress?” or “Do I have kidney stones?”

Avoid emotional questions like, “Does he love me?” Only single questions at a time should be asked, not complex questions.

A former student learned how to use the pendulum to connect to his spirit guides and to the angels of his clients to seek advice from them. Later he became sensitive enough to discard the pendulum, ask the questions directly and get the answers intuitively.

The uses of the pendulum are limited only by your own imagination. Experiment with the pendulum until you are comfortable and confident of its answers. You will find that using the pendulum can be addicting, so don’t overdo it.

The next Soulmates, Karma and Reincarnation Seminar will be held on Sept. 28, 1-7 p.m.; tel. 8107245 or 0998- 9886292; email jaimetlicauco