Queen of decluttering Marie Kondo is coming to Netflix

I don’t know about you, but a reality show anchored on how organizing guru and international best-selling author Marie Kondo made decluttering a spiritual experience seems irresistible to me.

On Valentine’s Day, Kondo announced on Instagram and Twitter that she’ll be having a Netflix show.

“Valentine’s Day surprise! I am very excited to announce that I will be bringing the life-changing magic of tidying to a show on Netflix, where I will be guiding individuals who are at a crossroads to spark joy in their homes and lives,” she writes on Instagram.

“Helping individuals undergo life-transformations and sharing the process through this partnership with Netflix is an exciting way to share the magic of tidying with more people. I’ll keep you updated on more details to come!”

According to Refinery29, the makeover show is untitled yet and is being referred to as the Untitled Marie Kondo Project. It doesn’t have a release date as of writing, but the first season, which will have eight episodes, will feature Kondo giving guidance to “people who are at a crossroads” and help them transform their living spaces, as well as their whole lives, in “emotional and surprising ways.”

Kondo has been spearheading the so-called “mindful organization” movement with her book, which sold more than 8.5 million copies worldwide. Her tidying method called KonMari is basically about getting rid of things that no longer “spark joy.” But her philosophy involves thanking each item before banishing them, like some kind of a closure and making peace.


Featured image courtesy of Public Mentors

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