Visualization can heal you—and help you achieve your dreams

(Last of two parts)

Last week, I discussed the first part of the “ADB VEST” formula, which can boost your chances of achieving New Year’s resolutions as well as other goals.

“A” is for the aim or specific goal, which should be written down and reread from time to time; “D” is for the burning desire to achieve it; and “B” is for the belief that leaves no room for any doubt of succeeding in your resolutions.

“V” is for Visualization. It’s like directing your own mental movie, with all the details, and replaying it in the mind—preferably twice daily, on waking up, and at bedtime. If you want to lose weight, visualize yourself waking up early and exercising, with all the details you could provide—your attire, where you exercise and the comments of people telling you how fit you look.

Creative visualization is also now being used on patients with serious diseases including cancer. Patients are taught to visualize the body’s immune system cells fighting the tumor cells and killing all of them. The patients also visualize themselves getting better and healthier day after day.

If you aim for a job promotion, imagine yourself working enthusiastically, efficiently and effectively, with your boss commending you for great work. Visualize your boss announcing at a company meeting that you’ve been promoted to the position you want. Imagine the increase in pay and other perks that come with the promotion.

It’s now well established that even athletes can improve their performance with creative visualization.

The great soccer player Pelé was said to have visualized each game before he actually played it. He could come to the locker room an hour or so earlier and lay down on a bench, covering his eyes with a towel. He would play in his mind how he wanted the game to unfold, including the winning goal he visualized he’d make.

Every muscle

Arnold Schwarzenegger visualized how every muscle of his body would be when he was just starting bodybuilding. He was not even half the hunk he subsequently became, but in his mind, he already had his dream physique.

When he went into movies and politics, he did the same, and everything turned out just as he visualized it.

In one of the stories written about Manny Pacquiao, it was said that he saw clearly in his mind, even when he was just a struggling newbie, that one day he would become a world-renowned boxer who would bring honor to the country.

Make no mistake about it, visualization really works to achieve your New Year’s resolutions and even your wildest dreams.

The downside, though, is that it can also help achieve what one always worries about.

Some people are unwittingly using visualization to their detriment, especially when they make mountains of molehills—magnifying small problems, and constantly worrying about them. They allow themselves to get overwhelmed by problems, instead of focusing on the solution.

Turbo mode

“E” is for the positive and uplifting Emotions. Visualization is much more effective when combined with emotions. Just thinking of your goals is plain wishful thinking because your subconscious mind may not be fully receptive to it. But when combined with positive emotions, it’s like setting it on turbo mode.

Visualize what emotions you would feel when achieving your goals. Feel your eagerness and enthusiasm as you exercise to lose weight, or excel in your work.

Feel how compassionate and generous you will be as you gain more financial abundance and help other people in need. Feel your confidence as you succeed in achieving all your New Year’s resolutions and goals in life.

Just make sure that the emotions you infuse in your visualization are positive—they uplift you and make you feel good. Negative emotions like envy, jealousy and impatience can creep in, sabotaging your chances of achieving your goals. Be wary of these negative emotions.

“S” is for Sharing or Stewardship. Whatever success we achieve in this life, what makes it most worthwhile is being able to share it with others. Commit to share your blessings once you’ve achieved your goals.

Actually, we don’t really own any of our God-given blessings. We were just entrusted with them as stewards, so we should try to share them to benefit more people.

If it’s a financial goal, set aside a portion of your money for charity, especially for people who are in need, and who can never pay you back.

If you achieve your resolution to lose weight, quit smoking or excessive drinking, share how to achieve it with others. Motivate others to lick their vices.

Finally, “T” is for Thanksgiving or gratitude. This is one of the most powerful positive emotions that can attract all the things you need to attain your goals. An attitude of gratitude makes you more optimistic and hopeful.

We should thank God in advance for whatever we’re aiming to achieve. Just as we tend to give more to people who show gratitude for the things we do for them, our doting Father will also shower us with more blessings for our grateful heart.